Uses of Class

Packages that use InstantiatorException

Uses of InstantiatorException in jef.config

Methods in jef.config that throw InstantiatorException
static java.lang.Object Instantiator.getInstance(java.lang.String componentName)
          This method returns an instance of the valid componentName.

Uses of InstantiatorException in jef.disconnection

Methods in jef.disconnection that throw InstantiatorException
 void DisconnectedField.addAttribute(Attribute attr)
          This method allows adding a class-level attribute to this disconnected structure.
 void DisconnectedField.addField(FieldInfoStructure fi)
          Adds a new FiledInfoStructure to the set of fields.
 void DisconnectedMethod.addMethod(MethodInfoStructure mi)
          Adds one more MethodInfoStructure to the current DisconnectedMethod instance.
 DisconnectedStructure DisconnectedStructuresFactory.getInstance(DisconnectedStructuresFactory.DisconnectedStructureType type)
          Instantiates a new DisconnectedMethod.

Uses of InstantiatorException in jef.disconnection.impl

Methods in jef.disconnection.impl that throw InstantiatorException
 void DefaultDisconnectedField.addAttribute(Attribute attr)
 void DefaultDisconnectedField.addField(FieldInfoStructure fi)
          Adds a new FiledInfoStructure to the set of fields.
 void DefaultDisconnectedMethod.addMethod(MethodInfoStructure mi)
          Adds one more MethodInfoStructure to the current DisconnectedMethod instance.
 DisconnectedStructure DefaultDisconnectedStructuresFactory.getInstance(DisconnectedStructuresFactory.DisconnectedStructureType type)
          Instantiates a new DisconnectedMethod.
protected  void DefaultMethodDisconnector.handleBytecode(CodeAttribute codeAttribute, DisconnectedMethod disconnectedMethod, ConstantPoolTable srcCpt, Dna srcDna)
protected  void DefaultMethodDisconnector.handleInnerClassRef(ConstClass cInfo, DisconnectedMethod dm, Dna srcDna)

Constructors in jef.disconnection.impl that throw InstantiatorException
          Creates a new instance of DefaultDisconnectedField
          Creates a new instance of DefaultDisconnectedMethod

Uses of InstantiatorException in jef.dna

Methods in jef.dna that throw InstantiatorException
          Method for obtaining the Dna object representing the class file passed to the constructor.
static Dna[] bytecode)

Constructors in jef.dna that throw InstantiatorException

Uses of InstantiatorException in jef.mixers

Methods in jef.mixers that throw InstantiatorException
 DnaMixer MixerFactory.getDnaMixer()
          This method returns a valid DnaMixer instance.
 Dna DnaMixer.mix()
          The mix() method is the entry point for applications willing to mix two Dna instances leveraging on the adopted DnaMixer implementation's logic.

Uses of InstantiatorException in jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer

Methods in jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer that throw InstantiatorException
 DnaMixer DnaSimpleMixerFactory.getDnaMixer()
          This method returns a valid DnaMixer instance.
 Dna DnaSimpleMixer.mix()
          This method mixes the two Dna instances passed to the contructor and returns a new one exposing a set of methods equals to the union of the ones exposed by both the Dna instances above.

Constructors in jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer that throw InstantiatorException
          The default constructor.

Uses of InstantiatorException in jef.test

Methods in jef.test that throw InstantiatorException
static void DnaTest.main(java.lang.String[] args)
static void DnaSwapTest.main(java.lang.String[] args)
static void DnaMixTest.main(java.lang.String[] args)
static void DeepCopyTest.main(java.lang.String[] args)