bytecode instruction which loads a reference from an
bytecode instruction which stores a reference to an
bytecode instruction which pushes null onto the
operant stack.AttributesTable
to the current one.
to the current one.
to the current one.
to the current one.
to the current one.
to the current one.
to the current one.
to the current one.
at the end of the table.
at the end of the table.
at the end of the constant pool table.
at the end of the constant pool table.
at the end of the table.
at the end of the table.
at the end of the table.
at the end of the table.
at the provided position, shifting of one index
any subsequente entry (if exists) iff the overwrite
parameter is set to
, otherwise the current entry at index index
will be
at the provided position, shifting of one index
any subsequente entry (if exists) iff the overwrite
parameter is set to
, otherwise the current entry at index index
will be
at the provided position, shifting of one
index any subsequente entry (if exists) iff the overwrite
parameter is set to
, otherwise the current entry at index index
will be
at the provided position, shifting of one
index any subsequente entry (if exists) iff the overwrite
parameter is set to
, otherwise the current entry at index index
will be
at the provided position, shifting of
one index any subsequente entry (if exists) iff the overwrite
parameter is set
to false
, otherwise the current entry at index index
will be
at the provided position, shifting of
one index any subsequente entry (if exists) iff the overwrite
parameter is set
to false
, otherwise the current entry at index index
will be
at the provided position, shifting of
one index any subsequente entry (if exists) if the overwrite
parameter is set
to false
, otherwise the current entry at index index
will be
at the provided position, shifting of
one index any subsequente entry (if exists) iff the overwrite
parameter is set
to false
, otherwise the current entry at index index
will be
to the set of fields.
to the set of fields.
to the current
to the current
bytecode instruction which loads a reference from a
local variable.ALOAD_0
bytecode instruction which loads a reference from a
local variable stored at the position 0 of the local variable array of the current frame.ALOAD_1
bytecode instruction which loads a reference from a
local variable stored at the position 1 of the local variable array of the current frame.ALOAD_2
bytecode instruction which loads a reference from a
local variable stored at the position 2 of the local variable array of the current frame.ALOAD_3
bytecode instruction which loads a reference from a
local variable stored at the position 3 of the local variable array of the current frame.ANEWARRAY
bytecode instruction.ARETURN
bytecode instruction which returns a reference from a
bytecode instruction which returns the length of
an array.ASTORE
bytecode instruction which stores a reference into a
local variableASTORE
bytecode instruction which store a reference into a
local variable. 0 is the index in the local variable array of the current frameASTORE
bytecode instruction which store a reference into a
local variable. 1 is the index in the local variable array of the current frameASTORE_2
bytecode instruction which store a reference into a
local variable. 2 is the index in the local variable array of the current frameASTORE_3
bytecode instruction which store a reference into a
local variable. 3 is the index in the local variable array of the current frameAttributesTable
bytecode instruction which is used to throw an
exception or an errorAttributes
cannot be found whitin an
without detail message.
with the specified
detail message.
bytecode instruction which loads a byte
or a boolean
from an array.BASTORE
bytecode instruction which stores a byte
or a boolean
to an array.BIPUSH
bytecode instruction which pushes a byte
onto the stack.CALOAD
bytecode instruction which loads a char
from an array.CASTORE
bytecode instruction which stores a char
to an array.CHECKCAST
bytecode instruction which checks whether the object
referenced by the reference on the top of the stack can be casted to the type represented by the
constant pool table entry at index indexbyte1<<8|indexbyte2
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing Dna
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing Dna
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing Dna
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing Dna
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing CodeAttribute
is not modified.
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing Dna
instance is not modified.
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing Dna
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing InnerClassesAttribute
is not modified.
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing CodeAttribute
is not modified.
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing LineNumberTableAttribute
is not modified.
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing CodeAttribute
is not modified.
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing LocalVariableTableAttribute
is not modified.
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing Dna
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing Dna
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing ConstantPoolTable
instance is left unmodified.
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing ConstantPoolTable
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing ConstantPoolTable
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing ConstantPoolTable
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing ConstantPoolTable
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing ConstantPoolTable
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing ConstantPoolTable
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing ConstantPoolTable
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing ConstantPoolTable
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing ConstantPoolTable
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing ConstantPoolTable
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing ConstantPoolTable
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing ConstantPoolTable
instance is set to null
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing Dna
is not modified.
method will return a new instance whose reference to the
containing Dna
instance is set to null
's inner
properties but the reference the containing Dna
class represents a Code Attribute as defined by the JVM Class file
class represents a Code Attribute as defined by the JVM Class file
Specification: The Code attribute is a variable-length attribute used in the attributes table of
method_info structures.CONSTANT_Class
without detail
with the specified
detail message.
implementation has to
class represents a ConstantValue Attribute as defined by the JVM
Class file Specification: The ConstantValue attribute is a fixed-length attribute used in the
attributes table of the field_info structures.CONSTANT_Class_info
that are contained
inside a CodeAttribute
bytecode instruction which converts a double
to float
bytecode instruction which converts a double
to integer
bytecode instruction which converts a double
to long
bytecode instruction which adds two operands of type
stored on the top of the stack.DALOAD
bytecode instruction which loads a double
from an array.DASTORE
bytecode instruction which stores a
to an array.DeepCopierFactory
bytecode instruction which compares two
s took from the top of the stack.DCMPG
bytecode instruction which compares two
s took from the top of the stack.DCONST_0
bytecode instruction which pushes the
constant 0.0 on to the operand stack.DCONST_1
bytecode instruction which pushes the
constant 1.0 on to the operand stack.DDIV
bytecode instruction which divides the two
s popped out from the operand stack and pushes back the result.cp_info
s from a source Constant Pool Table to a destination Constant
Pool Table.DeepCopier
s starting at index
from the
to the dstCpt
s starting at index
from the
to the dstCpt
information that is to be extracted from a source Dna
for being injected into another one later on.DisconnectedMethod
s instances.Dna
information from a Dna
bytecode instruction which loads a double
from the index specified as parameter (operand).DLOAD_0
bytecode instruction which loads a double
from the local variable array of the current frame at index 0.DLOAD_1
bytecode instruction which loads a double
from the local variable array of the current frame at index 1.DLOAD_2
bytecode instruction which loads a double
from the local variable array of the current frame at index 2.DLOAD_3
bytecode instruction which loads a double
from the local variable array of the current frame at index 3.DMUL
bytecode instruction which multiplies two
s popped from the operand stack, and pushes the result onto the operand
class is the object oriented representation of a Java class file's
from a stream.DnaDeserializationException
without detail message.
with the specified
detail message.
with the specified
detail message and the provided root cause.
class is used to obtain a Dna
instance to the output stream.DnaSerializationException
without detail message.
with the specified detail
with the specified detail
without detail message.
with the specified detail
with the specified message
and the cause of the exception.
bytecode instruction which negates a double
bytecode instruction which computes the reminder of the
truncationg division of the two double
s popped from the operand stack.DRETURN
bytecode instruction which returns a
popping it from the operand stack.DSTORE
bytecode instruction which stores a double
popped from the operand stack into a variable whose index is specified as operand.DSTORE_0
bytecode instruction which stores a
popped from the operand stack into the index 0 of the local variable array.DSTORE_1
bytecode instruction which stores a
popped from the operand stack into the index 1 of the local variable array.DSTORE_2
bytecode instruction which stores a
popped from the operand stack into the index 2 of the local variable array.DSTORE_3
bytecode instruction which stores a
popped from the operand stack into the index 3 of the local variable array.DSUB
bytecode instruction which subtracts the first
popped from the operand stack from the second one, and pushes the result
onto the operand stack.DUP
bytecode instruction which duplicates the value found at
the top of the operand stack, and pushes the copy of the top of it: as a result at the top of the
operans stack there will be two equal double
bytecode instruction which duplicates the top one or two
values on the operand stack and push the duplicated value or values back onto the operand stack
in the original order.DUP2_X1
bytecode instruction which duplicates the top one or
two values on the operand stack and insert the duplicated values, in the original order, one
value beneath the original value or values in the operand stack.DUP2_X2
bytecode instruction which duplicates the top one or
two values on the operand stack and insert the duplicated values, in the original order, into the
operand stack.DUP_X1
bytecode instruction which duplicates the top value on
the operand stack and insert the duplicated value two values down in the operand stack.DUP_X2
bytecode instruction which duplicates the top value on
the operand stack and insert the duplicated value two or three values down in the operand stack.EnclosingMethod
attribute defined
by the Java class file specification.ExceptionTable
generic entry.ExceptionTable
generic entry.ExceptionTableEntryValidationException
instance provided as parameter the
instance provided as parameter the
instance provided as parameter
the given methodInfo
instance provided as parameter
the methodInfo
bytecode instruction which converts a float
popped from the operand stack into a double
and places it on the top of the
operand stack.F2I
bytecode instruction which converts a float
popped from the operand stack into an integer
and places it on the top of the
operand stack.F2L
bytecode instruction which converts a float
popped from the operand stack into a long
and places it on the top of the operand
bytecode instruction which adds two float
bytecode instruction which loads a float
from an array.FASTORE
bytecode instruction which stores a float
to an array.FCMPG
bytecode instruction which preforms a comparison between
two float
bytecode instruction which preforms a comparison between
two float
bytecode instruction which pushes the constant
0 onto the operand stack.FCONST_1
bytecode instruction which pushes the constant
1 onto the operand stack.FCONST_2
bytecode instruction which pushes the constant
2 onto the operand stack.FDIV
bytecode instruction which divides two float
popped from the top two positions of the operand stack and pushes back the result.FieldInfoStructure
cannot be found
within a FieldsTable
without detail
with the
specified detail message.
without detail message.
contained within a Java class represented by
the the Dna
instance this FieldsTable
belongs to.FieldsTable
bytecode instruction which loads a float
value from a local variable whose index is provided as parameter.FLOAD_0
bytecode instruction which loads a float
value from the position 0 of the local variable array of the current frame.FLOAD_1
bytecode instruction which loads a float
value from the position 1 of the local variable array of the current frame.FLOAD_2
bytecode instruction which loads a float
value from the position 2 of the local variable array of the current frame.FLOAD_3
bytecode instruction which loads a float
value from the position 3 of the local variable array of the current frame.FMUL
bytecode instruction which multiplies two
s popped from the operand stack.FNEG
bytecode instruction which negates the
float value popped from the top of the operans stack.
FNeg() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FNeg
Creates a new instance of FNeg
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
foo() -
Method in class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassA
foo() -
Method in class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassD
fred() -
Method in class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassB
FRem - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
This class maps the FREM
bytecode instruction which computes the reminder of the
division of the first element taken from the operand stack by the second one.
FRem() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FRem
Creates a new instance of Frem
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
FReturn - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
This class maps the FRETURN
bytecode instruction which is needed in order to
return a float
value from a method.
FReturn() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FReturn
Creates a new instance of FReturn
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
fromArray(int[], int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
This method populates all the attributes of an Instruction
fromArray(int[], int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.instructions.Instruction
This method populates all the attributes of an Instruction
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int, int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.Attribute
This method reads the data with which the attribute has to be initialized.
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry
Reads the entry from the given inputstream.
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
This method fills in the current Code
instance reading all the required values
from the specified input stream.
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ConstantValue
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.DeprecatedAttribute
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.EnclosingMethod
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionAttr
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionTableEntry
Reads the entry from the given inputstream.
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClasses
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClassesTableEntry
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableAttribute
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableEntry
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableAttribute
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Signature
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SourceDebugExtension
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SourceFileAttribute
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SyntheticAttribute
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.InnerClassesTableEntry
Populates the current InnerClassesTableEntry
instance with the given
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LineNumberTableEntry
Reads the line number table entry from the given input stream.
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableEntry
Deserializes the given local variable table entry from the provided input stream.
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributesTable.AttributesTable
Reads the table from the given stream.
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def.ATable
Reads the table from the given stream.
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstantInfo
Reads the Constant Info fields from the given input stream
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantAncestor
This method does not perform anything.
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantClass
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantDouble
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantField
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantFloat
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantInteger
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantLong
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantMethod
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantNameAndType
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantString
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantUtf8
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.UnusableCPTEntry
Reads the Constant Info fields from the given input stream Actually this method does perform
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
Reads the constant pool table from the given stream.
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
fromStream(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
Reads a Java class file from the specified stream, and fills in the current Dna
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.fieldsTable.FieldsTable
Reads the table from the given stream.
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def.FTable
Reads the table from the given stream.
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.FieldInfo
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.MethodInfo
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna) -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructure
Initialize the current InfoStructure
from the provided stream.
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def.MTable
Reads the table from the given stream.
fromStream(DataInputStream, Dna, int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.methodsTable.MethodsTable
Reads the table from the given stream.
FStore - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
This class maps the FSTORE
bytecode instruction which stores a float
value popped from the operand stack into a local variable whose index has to be provided as
parameter to the FSTORE
FStore() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FStore
Creates a new instance of FStore
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
FStore_0 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
This class maps the FSTORE_0
bytecode instruction which stores a
value popped from the operand stack into the local variable array of the
current frame at index 0.
FStore_0() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FStore_0
Creates a new instance of FStore_0
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
FStore_1 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
This class maps the FSTORE_1
bytecode instruction which stores a
value popped from the operand stack into the local variable array of the
current frame at index 1.
FStore_1() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FStore_1
Creates a new instance of FStore_1
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
FStore_2 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
This class maps the FSTORE_2
bytecode instruction which stores a
value popped from the operand stack into the local variable array of the
current frame at index 2.
FStore_2() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FStore_2
Creates a new instance of FStore_2
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
FStore_3 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
This class maps the FSTORE_3
bytecode instruction which stores a
value popped from the operand stack into the local variable array of the
current frame at index 3.
FStore_3() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FStore_3
Creates a new instance of FStore_3
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
FSub - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
This class maps the FSUB
bytecode instruction which subtracts the first value
popped from the operand stack from the second one, and pushes the result back onto the operand
FSub() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FSub
Creates a new instance of FSub
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
FTable - Class in jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def
Default implementation class of the FieldsTable
FTable() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def.FTable
Creates a new instance of FTable
FTableFactory - Class in jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def
This is the default implementation of the FieldsTableFactory
FTableFactory() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def.FTableFactory
Creates a new instance of FTableFactory
- generateObjectiveCode(int[]) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.CodeAttribute
- This private method generates an object oriented representation of the bytecode contained
within this method.
- generateObjectiveCode(int[]) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- This method generates an object oriented representation of the bytecode contained
within this method.
- GenericAttribute - Class in jef.dna.attributes.impl
- Ancestor class for every Attribute class.
- GenericAttribute() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.attributes.impl.GenericAttribute
- Constructor.
- get(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributesTable.AttributesTable
- Get a reference to the entry stored at the provided index.
- get(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def.ATable
- Get a reference to the entry stored at the provided index.
- get(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- Get a reference to the entry stored at the provided index.
- get(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- Get a reference to the entry stored at the provided index.
- get(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.fieldsTable.FieldsTable
- Get a reference to the entry stored at the provided index.
- get(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def.FTable
- Get a reference to the entry stored at the provided index.
- get(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def.MTable
- Get a reference to the entry stored at the provided index.
- get(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.methodsTable.MethodsTable
- Get a reference to the entry stored at the provided index.
- getAccessFlags() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Return the current class access modifier.
- getAccessFlags() -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
- getAccessFlags() -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructure
- Get the method's access flags defining which access modifiers are applied to the current
- getActualValue() -
Method in exception jef.dna.exceptions.ValidationExceptionAncestor
- Return the actual value associated with the attribute over which the validation process
- getActualValue(T) -
Method in class jef.dna.util.ValidationExceptionHelper
- This method returns the actual value of the parameter over which the validation process
- getAttribFactory() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the
configured in the Dna
file, needed for instantiating Attributes
- getAttribute() -
Method in exception jef.dna.exceptions.ValidationExceptionAncestor
- Return the name of the attribute whose value does not agree with the specification.
- getAttributeContainer() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry
- Get the reference to the
this ExceptionTableEntry
is held by.
- getAttributeContainer() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionTableEntry
- getAttributeContainer() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClassesTableEntry
- getAttributeContainer() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableAttribute
- getAttributeContainer() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableEntry
- getAttributeContainer() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableAttribute
- getAttributeContainer() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- getAttributeContainer() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.InnerClassesTableEntry
- Get the attribute containing the
- getAttributeContainer() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LineNumberTableAttribute
- Get the
which contains the current
- getAttributeContainer() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LineNumberTableEntry
- Get the
containing the current
- getAttributeContainer() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableAttribute
- Get the reference to the
containing the current
- getAttributeContainer() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableEntry
- Set the reference to the
containing the current
- getAttributeCount() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.CodeAttribute
- Gets the number of attributes of the current
- getAttributeCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- Gets the number of attributes of the current
- getAttributeCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the number of attributes of the Java class represented by the current
instance or -1 if any attribute has been set.
- getAttributeCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
- getAttributeCount() -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructure
- Get the number of the additional attributes of the current method.
- getAttributes() -
Method in interface jef.disconnection.DisconnectedField
- Returns the whole list of added attributes by reference, or
- getAttributes() -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultDisconnectedField
- getAttributes() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.CodeAttribute
- Gets the set of attributes associated with the current
- getAttributes() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- Gets the set of attributes associated with the current
- getAttributes() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the
representing the attributes exposed by the Java
class represented by the current Dna
- getAttributes() -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
- getAttributes() -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructure
- Instances contained within the input
have to be valid implementations
of the interfaces defined in the package dna.attributes
- getAttributesTableFactory() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the
configured in the Dna
configuration file, needed for instantiating Attribute
- getByteCode(String) -
Static method in class jef.disconnection.impl.JEFClassResolver
- getBytesCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- getBytesCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ConstantValue
- getBytesCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.DeprecatedAttribute
- getBytesCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.EnclosingMethod
- getBytesCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionAttr
- getBytesCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionTableEntry
- getBytesCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClasses
- getBytesCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClassesTableEntry
- getBytesCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableAttribute
- getBytesCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableEntry
- getBytesCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableAttribute
- getBytesCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- getBytesCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Signature
- getBytesCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SourceDebugExtension
- getBytesCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SourceFileAttribute
- getBytesCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SyntheticAttribute
- getBytesCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
- getBytesCount() -
Method in interface jef.dna.util.BytesCountable
- This method must return the overall number of bytes
required by the component implementing this interface.
- getCatchType() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry
- If the value of
is non zero, it must refer to an entry of the constant
pool table of type ConstantClass
- getCatchType() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionTableEntry
- If the value of
is non zero, it must refer to an entry of the constant
pool table of type ConstantClass
- getClasses() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClasses
- getClasses() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.InnerClassesAttribute
- Every CONSTANT_Class_info entry in the constant_pool table which represents a class or
interface C that is not a package member must have exactly one corresponding entry in the
classes array.
- getClassIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.EnclosingMethodAttribute
- Thevalue of theclass_index item must be a valid index into the
constant_pool table.
- getClassIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.EnclosingMethod
- getClassIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstField
- The value of the class_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- getClassIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantField
- getClassIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantMethod
- getCode() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.CodeAttribute
- This method gets this Code Attribute's bytecode, as an
- getCode() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- This method gets this Code Attribute's bytecode, as an
- getCodeLength() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.CodeAttribute
- Gets the numeber of bytes making up this method's actual code.
- getCodeLength() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- Gets the numeber of bytes making up this method's actual code.
- getConstantPoolCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the number of entries in the Constant Pool Table.
- getConstantPoolTable() -
Method in interface jef.disconnection.DisconnectedField
- Gets the
instance containing all the cp_info
required by both the fields stored in the current DisconnectedField
- getConstantPoolTable() -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultDisconnectedField
- Gets the
instance containing all the cp_info
required by both the fields and methods stored in the current DisconnectedMethod
- getConstantPoolTable() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the Constant Pool Table.
- getConstantPoolTableFactory() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the
configured in the Dna
configuration file, needed for instantiating ConstantPoolTable
- getConstInfoFactory() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the
configured in the Dna
configuration file, needed for instantiating ConstantInfo
- getCpt() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstantInfo
- Get a reference to the
instance this
entity belongs to.
- getCpt() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantAncestor
- Get a reference to the
instance this
entity belongs to.
- getDebugExtension() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SourceDebugExtension
- getDebugExtension() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.SourceDebugExtensionAttribute
- Thedebug_extension array holds a string, which must be in
UTF-8format.There is no terminating zero byte.
- getDescriptorIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- getDescriptorIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableEntry
- The value of the descriptor_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- getDescriptorIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstNameAndType
- The value of the descriptor_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- getDescriptorIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantNameAndType
- getDescriptorIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
- getDescriptorIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructure
- Set a valid index pointing to a constant pool table's entry of type ConstantUtf8 representing
the description of the current method.
- getDna() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.Attribute
- Get the
instance which will contain the current Attribute
- getDna() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.GenericAttribute
- Get the
instance which will contain the current Attribute
- getDna() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributesTable.AttributesTable
- Get the
- getDna() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def.ATable
- Get the
- getDna() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- Get the
- getDna() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- getDna() -
Method in interface jef.dna.fieldsTable.FieldsTable
- Get the
- getDna() -
Method in class jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def.FTable
- Get the
- getDna() -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
- getDna() -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructure
- Get a reference to the
instance this infoStructure
belongs to.
- getDna() -
Method in class jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def.MTable
- Get the
- getDna() -
Method in interface jef.dna.methodsTable.MethodsTable
- Get the
- getDnaMixer() -
Method in class jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer.DnaSimpleMixerFactory
- This method returns a valid
- getDnaMixer() -
Method in interface jef.mixers.MixerFactory
- This method returns a valid
- getDstCpt() -
Method in interface jef.deepCopier.DeepCopier
- Gets the destination
instance, that is the
the cp_info
-chain should be copied to.
- getDstCpt() -
Method in class jef.deepCopier.impl.StatefulDeepCopier
- Gets the destination
instance, that is the
the cp_info
-chain should be copied to.
- getEnd() -
Method in class jef.dna.util.Range
- Returns the last valid value of the range
- getEndPc() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry
- Gets the index at which the exception handler becomes inactive.
- getEndPc() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionTableEntry
- Gets the index at which the exception handler becomes inactive.
- getEntryType(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- This method returns a human readable definition of the type of the entry references by the
- getEntryType(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- getExceptionIndexTable() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionAttribute
- Gets the
- getExceptionIndexTable() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionsAttribute
- Gets the
- getExceptionIndexTable() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionAttr
- getExceptionTable() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.CodeAttribute
- Gets the exception table.
- getExceptionTable() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- Gets the exception table.
- getExceptionTableLength() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.CodeAttribute
- Gets the number of entries in stored within the
Exceptio Table
- getExceptionTableLength() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- Gets the number of entries in stored within the
Exceptio Table
- getExpectedRange() -
Method in exception jef.dna.exceptions.IndexOutOfRangeException
- Returns the violated
- getExpectedValue() -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.AttributeOutOfRangeException
- Returns the expected value associated with the attribute over which the validation process
- getExpectedValue() -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.AttributeValidationException
- Returns the expected value associated with the attribute over which the validation process
- getExpectedValue() -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.ExceptionTableEntryValidationException
- Returns the expected value associated with the attribute over which the validation process
- getExpectedValue() -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.InnerClassesTableEntryValidationException
- Returns the expected value associated with the attribute over which the validation process
- getExpectedValue() -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.LineNumberTableEntryValidationException
- Returns the expected value associated with the attribute over which the validation process
- getExpectedValue() -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.LocalVariableTableEntryValidationException
- Returns the expected value associated with the attribute over which the validation process
- getExpectedValue() -
Method in exception jef.dna.constantInfo.exceptions.ConstantInfoAttributeOutOfRangeException
- Returns the expected value associated with the attribute over which the validation process
- getExpectedValue() -
Method in exception jef.dna.constantInfo.exceptions.ConstantInfoValidationException
- Returns the expected value associated with the attribute over which the validation process
- getExpectedValue() -
Method in exception jef.dna.infoStructures.exceptions.FieldInfoValidationException
- Returns the expected value associated with the attribute over which the validation process
- getExpectedValue() -
Method in exception jef.dna.infoStructures.exceptions.InfoStructureAttributeOutOfRangeException
- Returns the expected value associated with the attribute over which the validation process
- GetField - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which fetches field from object. - GetField() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.GetField
- Creates a new instance of GetField
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- getFields() -
Method in interface jef.disconnection.DisconnectedField
- Gets the
instance containing all the extracted fields.
- getFields() -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultDisconnectedField
- Gets the
instance containing all the fields required by the
methods stored in the current DisconnectedMethod
- getFields() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the fields of the Java class represented by the current
as a FieldsTable
- getFieldsCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- This method returns the number of field declared by the Java class represented by this
instance, or -1 if the fields
property has not already
been set.
- getFieldsTableFactory() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the
configured in the Dna
configuration file, needed for instantiating FieldInfoStructure
- getFqnAsString(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- This method returns the FQN of the class associated with the given
- getFqnReference() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- This method returns the index of the constant pool table's entry containig the constant UTF8
info storing the current
instance's FQN.
- getHandlerPc() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry
- Gets the start of the exception handler.
- getHandlerPc() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionTableEntry
- Gets the start of the exception handler.
- getHelper() -
Method in exception jef.dna.exceptions.ValidationExceptionAncestor
- Returns a
instance for abstracting from all the
reflection related issues necessary for retreiving the actual value of those attributes over
which the validation process failed.
- getHighBytes() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstDouble
- The high_bytes and low_bytes items of the CONSTANT_Double_info structure together represent
the double value in IEEE 754 floating-point double format.
- getHighBytes() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstLong
- The unsigned high_bytes and low_bytes items of the CONSTANT_Long_info structure together
represent the value of the long constant ((long) high_bytes << 32) + low_bytes, where the
bytes of each of high_bytes and low_bytes are stored in big-endian (high byte first) order.
- getHighBytes() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantDouble
- getHighBytes() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantLong
- getIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- getIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableEntry
- The given local variable must be at index in the local variable array of the current frame.
- getIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestorRefsCpt
- Provides the reference to the constant pool table.
- getIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionRefsCpt16
- Provides the reference to the constant pool table.
- getIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionRefsCpt8
- Provides the reference to the constant pool table.
- getIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.instructions.InstructionRefsCpt
- Provides the reference to the constant pool table.
- getIndexOf(Attribute) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributesTable.AttributesTable
- Return the index of the provided entry, if exists.
- getIndexOf(Attribute) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def.ATable
- Return the index of the provided entry, if exists.
- getIndexOf(ConstantInfo) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- Return the index of the provided entry, if exists.
- getIndexOf(ConstantInfo) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- Return the index of the provided entry, if exists.
- getIndexOf(FieldInfoStructure) -
Method in interface jef.dna.fieldsTable.FieldsTable
- Return the index of the provided entry, if exists.
- getIndexOf(FieldInfoStructure) -
Method in class jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def.FTable
- Return the index of the provided entry, if exists.
- getIndexOf(MethodInfoStructure) -
Method in class jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def.MTable
- Return the index of the provided entry, if exists.
- getIndexOf(MethodInfoStructure) -
Method in interface jef.dna.methodsTable.MethodsTable
- Return the index of the provided entry, if exists.
- getInfoStructuresFactory() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the factory class used for instantiating
- getInitMethod() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- getInnerAttributeOutOfRangeException() -
Method in exception jef.dna.infoStructures.exceptions.FieldInfoValidationException
- Gets the
that caused the current
to be raised.
- getInnerAttributeValidationException() -
Method in exception jef.dna.infoStructures.exceptions.FieldInfoValidationException
- Gets the
that caused the current
to be raised.
- getInnerClassAccessFlags() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClassesTableEntry
- getInnerClassAccessFlags() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.InnerClassesTableEntry
- Returns the access flags set via the
- getInnerClasses() -
Method in interface jef.disconnection.DisconnectedField
- Returns the map of inner Dnas indexed by their fully qualified class names.
- getInnerClasses() -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultDisconnectedField
- getInnerClassesTblValidExc() -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.AttributeValidationException
- Gets the
stored within the current
- getInnerClassInfoIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClassesTableEntry
- getInnerClassInfoIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.InnerClassesTableEntry
- The value of the inner_class_info_index item must be zero or a valid index into the
constant_pool table.
- getInnerIndexOutOfRangeException() -
Method in exception jef.dna.exceptions.ValidationExceptionAncestor
- This method should be useful to
- getInnerNameIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClassesTableEntry
- getInnerNameIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.InnerClassesTableEntry
- If the inner class is anonymous, the value of the inner_name_index item must be zero.
- getInnerUnknownOpCodeException() -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.ExceptionTableEntryValidationException
- Get the
that caused the current exception to be raised.
- getInnerUnknownOpCodeException() -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.LocalVariableTableEntryValidationException
- Get the
that caused the current exception to be raised.
- getInstance(String) -
Static method in class jef.config.Instantiator
- This method returns an instance of the valid
- getInstance(byte) -
Method in interface jef.deepCopier.DeepCopierFactory
- Returns an instance of a concrete
- getInstance(byte) -
Method in class jef.deepCopier.impl.DCFactory
- Returns an instance of a concrete
- getInstance(DisconnectedStructuresFactory.DisconnectedStructureType) -
Method in interface jef.disconnection.DisconnectedStructuresFactory
- Instantiates a new
- getInstance(DisconnectorsFactory.DisconnectorType) -
Method in interface jef.disconnection.DisconnectorsFactory
- Instantiates a
of the specified type.
- getInstance(DisconnectedStructuresFactory.DisconnectedStructureType) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultDisconnectedStructuresFactory
- Instantiates a new
- getInstance(DisconnectorsFactory.DisconnectorType) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultDisconnectorsFactory
- getInstance(AttributeTypes) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.AttribFactory
- This method returns not populated Attribute instances.
- getInstance(DataInputStream, Dna) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.AttribFactory
- This method returns not populated Attribute instances.
- getInstance(AttributeTypes) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.AttributeFactory
- getInstance(DataInputStream, Dna) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.AttributeFactory
- getInstance() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributesTable.AttributesTableFactory
- Returns an empty instance of the
- getInstance(DataInputStream, Dna, int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributesTable.AttributesTableFactory
- Returns a populated instance of the
- getInstance() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def.ATableFactory
- Returns an empty instance of the
- getInstance(DataInputStream, Dna, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def.ATableFactory
- Returns a populated instance of the
- getInstance(DataInputStream, Dna) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstInfoFactory
- This method returns a velid
instance iff the provided input
stream contains at the current position a legal constantInfo
identifier (or
tag), followed by all the necessary information as defined by the Java VM Specification
chapter 4.
- getInstance(DataInputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstInfoFactory
- This method returns a velid
instance iff the provided input
stream contains at the current position a legal constantInfo
identifier (or
tag), followed by all the necessary information as defined by the Java VM Specification
chapter 4.
- getInstance(int, DataInputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstInfoFactory
- The returned instance belongs to the type defined by the provided tag.
- getInstance(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstInfoFactory
- The returned instance belongs to the type defined by the provided tag.
- getInstance(int, DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantInfoFactory
- This method returns
compliant objects.
- getInstance(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantInfoFactory
- This method returns
compliant objects.
- getInstance(DataInputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantInfoFactory
- getInstance(DataInputStream, Dna) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantInfoFactory
- getInstance() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTableFactory
- Returns an empty instance of the
- getInstance(DataInputStream, Dna, int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTableFactory
- Returns a populated instance of the
- getInstance() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTableFactory
- Returns an empty instance of the
- getInstance(DataInputStream, Dna, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTableFactory
- Returns a populated instance of the
- getInstance() -
Method in interface jef.dna.fieldsTable.FieldsTableFactory
- Returns an empty instance of the
- getInstance(DataInputStream, Dna, int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.fieldsTable.FieldsTableFactory
- Returns a populated instance of the
- getInstance() -
Method in class jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def.FTableFactory
- Returns an empty instance of the
- getInstance(DataInputStream, Dna, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def.FTableFactory
- Returns a populated instance of the
- getInstance(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoFactory
- getInstance(int, DataInputStream, Dna) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoFactory
- getInstance(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructuresFactory
- Returns a new
instance according to the type specified as input
- getInstance(int, DataInputStream, Dna) -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructuresFactory
- Returns a new
instance according to the type specified as input
- getInstance() -
Method in class jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def.MTableFactory
- Returns an empty instance of the
- getInstance(DataInputStream, Dna, int) -
Method in class jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def.MTableFactory
- Returns a populated instance of the
- getInstance() -
Method in interface jef.dna.methodsTable.MethodsTableFactory
- Returns an empty instance of the
- getInstance(DataInputStream, Dna, int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.methodsTable.MethodsTableFactory
- Returns a populated instance of the
- getInstance() -
Method in class jef.injection.impl.DefaultInjectorsFactory
- getInstance() -
Method in interface jef.injection.InjectorsFactory
- Produces an instance implementing the
- getInstruction(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- This method returns classe instances implementing the
- getInstruction(byte) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- This method returns class instances implementing the
- getInstruction(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.instructions.InstructionFactory
- This method returns classe instances implementing the
- getInstruction(byte) -
Method in interface jef.dna.instructions.InstructionFactory
- This method returns class instances implementing the
- getInstructionFactory() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the
configured in the Dna
configuration file, needed for instantiating Instruction
- getInterfaceCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the number of implemented interfaces or -1 if the
property has not been set.
- getInterfaces() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the set of references to the constant pool table.
- getIntOpCodeFromByte(byte) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Method for obtaining the
value associated with the given byte
representation of the JVM's instruction operation code.
- getIntOpCodeFromByte(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Method for obtaining the
value associated with the given int
representation of the JVM's instruction operation code.
- getIntOpCodeFromByte(byte) -
Method in interface jef.dna.instructions.InstructionFactory
- Method for obtaining the
value associated with the given byte
representation of the JVM's instruction operation code.
- getIntOpCodeFromByte(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.instructions.InstructionFactory
- Method for obtaining the
value associated with the given int
representation of the JVM's instruction operation code.
- getLength() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.Attribute
- Returns the length expressed in bytes of the attribute's payload.
- getLength() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.GenericAttribute
- getLength() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- getLength() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableEntry
- Returns the current value of
- getLength() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstUtf8
- The value of the length item gives the number of bytes in the bytes array (not the length of
the resulting string).
- getLength() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantUtf8
- getLineNumber() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableEntry
- getLineNumber() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LineNumberTableEntry
- The value of the line_number item must give the corresponding line number in the original
source file
- getLineNumberTable() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableAttribute
- getLineNumberTable() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LineNumberTableAttribute
- Each entry in the line_number_table array indicates that the line number in the original
source file changes at a given point in the code array.
- getLineNumberTableLength() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableAttribute
- getLineNumberTableLength() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LineNumberTableAttribute
- This method tells how many entries are stored inside the current line number table.
- getLineNumberTblValidExc() -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.AttributeValidationException
- Gets the
stored within the current
- getListener() -
Method in class jef.dna.util.NotifyingList
- getLocalVariableTable() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableAttribute
- getLocalVariableTable() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableAttribute
- Each entry in the local_variable_table array indicates a range of code array offsets within
which a local variable has a value.
- getLocalVariableTableLength() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableAttribute
- getLocalVariableTableLength() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableAttribute
- The value of the local_variable_table_length item indicates the number of entries in the
local_variable_table array.
- getLocalVariableTblEntryValidExc() -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.AttributeValidationException
- Gets the
stored within the current
- getLowBytes() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstDouble
- The high_bytes and low_bytes items of the CONSTANT_Double_info structure together represent
the double value in IEEE 754 floating-point double format.
- getLowBytes() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstLong
- The unsigned high_bytes and low_bytes items of the CONSTANT_Long_info structure together
represent the value of the long constant ((long) high_bytes << 32) + low_bytes, where the
bytes of each of high_bytes and low_bytes are stored in big-endian (high byte first) order.
- getLowBytes() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantDouble
- getLowBytes() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantLong
- getMagicNumber() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the class' file magic number.
- getMajorNumber() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the
instance magic number.
- getMaxLocals() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.CodeAttribute
- Gets the number of local variables allocated upon method invocation.
- getMaxLocals() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- Gets the number of local variables allocated upon method invocation.
- getMaxStack() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.CodeAttribute
- Gets the maximum depth of this method's operand stack during execution.
- getMaxStack() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- Gets the maximum depth of this method's operand stack during execution.
- getMedia() -
Method in class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassA
- getMessage() -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.UnsupportedAttributeException
- Getter for the exception's message.
- getMessage() -
Method in exception jef.dna.exceptions.ValidationExceptionAncestor
- Returns a user friendly message describing the exception.
- getMethodCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the number of methods declared by the Java class represented by the current
instance or -1 if the methods
property has not been set.
- getMethodIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.EnclosingMethodAttribute
- If the current class is not immediately enclosed by a method or
constructor, then the value of themethod_index item must be
- getMethodIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.EnclosingMethod
- getMethods() -
Method in interface jef.disconnection.DisconnectedMethod
- Gets the
instance containing all the extracted methods.
- getMethods() -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultDisconnectedMethod
- Gets the
instance containing all the extracted methods.
- getMethods() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the
instance containing all the methods declared by the
Java class represented by the current Dna
- getMethodsTableFactory() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the
configured in the Dna
configuration file, needed for instantiating MethodInfoStructure
- getMinorNumber() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the class' file minor number.
- getNameAndTypeIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstField
- The value of the name_and_type_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- getNameAndTypeIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantField
- getNameAndTypeIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantMethod
- getNameIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.Attribute
- Returns the attribute's name index,
- getNameIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.GenericAttribute
- getNameIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- getNameIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableEntry
- The value of the name_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- getNameIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstClass
- Get the value of the name_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- getNameIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstNameAndType
- The value of the name_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- getNameIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantClass
- getNameIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantNameAndType
- getNameIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
- getNameIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructure
- Set a valid index pointing to a constant pool table's entry of type ConstantUtf8.
- getNumberOfClasses() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClasses
- getNumberOfClasses() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.InnerClassesAttribute
- The
defines how many entries are stored into the
- getNumberOfExceptions() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionAttribute
- Gets the number of exceptions that will be stored within the
- getNumberOfExceptions() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionsAttribute
- Gets the number of exceptions that will be stored within the
- getNumberOfExceptions() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionAttr
- getObjectiveCode() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.CodeAttribute
- This method returns the object oriented representation of this method's code.
- getObjectiveCode() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- This method returns the object oriented representation of this method's code.
- getOpCode() -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
- This method returns the instruction's numeric operation code as a
- getOpCode() -
Method in interface jef.dna.instructions.Instruction
- This method returns the instruction's numeric operation code as a
- getOperands() -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
- This method returns the current operation operand stack.
- getOperands() -
Method in interface jef.dna.instructions.Instruction
- This method returns the current operation operand stack.
- getOperandsCount() -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
- This method returns the number of operands required by the bytecode instruction.
- getOperandsCount() -
Method in interface jef.dna.instructions.Instruction
- This method returns the number of operands required by the bytecode instruction.
- getOuterClassInfoIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClassesTableEntry
- getOuterClassInfoIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.InnerClassesTableEntry
- If the inner class is not a member, the value of the outer_class_info_index item must be
- getSignatureIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Signature
- getSignatureIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.SignatureAttribute
- The value of thesignature_index item must be a valid index
into the constant_pool table.
- getSourceFileIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SourceFileAttribute
- getSourceFileIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.SourceFileAttribute
- The value of the sourcefile_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- getSrcClassFqn() -
Method in interface jef.disconnection.DisconnectedField
- This method returns the FQN of the Java class this structure belonged to.
- getSrcClassFqn() -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultDisconnectedField
- getSrcCpt() -
Method in interface jef.deepCopier.DeepCopier
- Gets the source
instance, that is the
containing the cp_info
to be copied to the
destination ConstantPoolTable
- getSrcCpt() -
Method in class jef.deepCopier.impl.StatefulDeepCopier
- Gets the source
instance, that is the
containing the cp_info
to be copied to the
destination ConstantPoolTable
- getSrcEntity() -
Method in exception jef.dna.exceptions.ValidationExceptionAncestor
- Return the object that originated the exception
- getStart() -
Method in class jef.dna.util.Range
- Returns the first valid value of the range.
- getStartPc() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry
- Gets the index at which the exception handler begins being active.
- getStartPc() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionTableEntry
- Gets the index at which the exception handler begins being active.
- getStartPc() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableEntry
- getStartPc() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- getStartPc() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LineNumberTableEntry
- The value of the start_pc item must indicate the index into the code array at which the code
for a new line in the original source file begins.
- getStartPc() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableEntry
- Returns the current value of the
- GetStatic - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which gets static field from
class. - GetStatic() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.GetStatic
- Creates a new instance of GetStatic
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- getStringIndex() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstString
- The value of the string_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- getStringIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantString
- getSuperClass() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the index of the
Constant Class Info
representing the direct
superclass of the current class, into the constant pool table.
- getTag() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstantInfo
- Gets the unique tag identifing each Constant Info structure
- getTag() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantAncestor
- getThisClass() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Returns the reference to the constant pool table entry of type
Constant Class Info
representing the current class.
- getType() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstantInfo
- Return the
identifying the CONSTANT_info
data structure.
- getType() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantAncestor
- getValidRange() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- This method returns the admitted range for accessing the
- getValidRange() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- getValue() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ConstantValueAttribute
- This method gets the
of the current
- getValue() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ConstantValue
- getValue() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstFloat
- The bytes item of the CONSTANT_Float_info structure represents the value of the float
constant in IEEE 754 floating-point single format.
- getValue() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstInteger
- The bytes item of the CONSTANT_Integer_info structure represents the value of the int
- getValue() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstUtf8
- The bytes array contains the bytes of the string.
- getValue() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantFloat
- getValue() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantInteger
- getValue() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantUtf8
- Goto - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which branches always. - Goto() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Goto
- Creates a new instance of Goto
- GOTO -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Goto_W - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which branches always (wide
index). - Goto_W() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Goto_W
- Creates a new instance of Goto_W
- GOTO_W -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- handleAttributes(MethodInfoStructure, boolean) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultMethodDisconnector
- handleBytecode(CodeAttribute, DisconnectedMethod, ConstantPoolTable, Dna) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultMethodDisconnector
- handleCodeAttribute(Attribute, boolean) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultMethodDisconnector
- handleDeprecatedAttribute(DeprecatedAttribute) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultMethodDisconnector
- handleExceptionAttribute(ExceptionsAttribute) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultMethodDisconnector
- handleFieldOrMethodRef(DisconnectedMethod, Dna, ConstantPoolTable, int, int, Instruction) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultMethodDisconnector
- handleFirstLevelRefs(MethodInfoStructure, boolean, DisconnectedMethod, Dna) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultMethodDisconnector
- handleInnerClassRef(ConstClass, DisconnectedMethod, Dna) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultMethodDisconnector
- handleLineNumberTableAttribute(LineNumberTableAttribute, boolean) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultMethodDisconnector
- handleLocalVariableTableAttribute(LocalVariableTableAttribute, boolean) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultMethodDisconnector
- handleSyntheticAttribute(SyntheticAttribute) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultMethodDisconnector
- hasExcpTableValidException() -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.AttributeValidationException
- Test whether the current
stores an
- hasInnerClassesTableEntryValidException() -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.AttributeValidationException
- Test whether the current
stores an
- hasLineNumberTableEntryValidException() -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.AttributeValidationException
- Test whether the current
stores an
- hasLocalVariableTableEntryValidException() -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.AttributeValidationException
- Test whether the current
stores an
- I2b - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which converts an int
popped from the operand stack, to a byte
. - I2b() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.I2b
- Creates a new instance of I2b
- I2B -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- I2c - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which converts an int
popped from the operand stack, to a char
. - I2c() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.I2c
- Creates a new instance of I2c
- I2C -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- I2d - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which converts an int
popped from the operand stack to a double
. - I2d() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.I2d
- Creates a new instance of I2d
- I2D -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- I2f - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which converts an int
popped from the operand stack to a float
. - I2f() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.I2f
- Creates a new instance of I2f
- I2F -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- I2l - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which converts an int
popped from the operand stack to a long
. - I2l() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.I2l
- Creates a new instance of I2l
- I2L -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- I2s - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which converts an int
popped from the operand stack, to a short
. - I2s() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.I2s
- Creates a new instance of I2s
- I2S -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IAdd - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which adds two int
took from the operand stack. - IAdd() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IAdd
- Creates a new instance of IAdd
- IADD -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IALoad - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which loads an int
from the position, specified by the first entry of the operand stack, of the array referenced by
the second entry of the operand stack. - IALoad() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IALoad
- Creates a new instance of IALoad
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IAnd - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which performs a bitwise and
operation of the first two int
popped from the operand stack. - IAnd() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IAnd
- Creates a new instance of IAnd
- IAND -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IAStore - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which stores an int
into the array referenced by the second entry of the operand stack a the index given by the first
entry of the operand stack. - IAStore() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IAStore
- Creates a new instance of IAStore
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IConst_0 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which pushes the costant 0 onto
the operand stack. - IConst_0() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IConst_0
- Creates a new instance of IConst_0
- ICONST_0 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IConst_1 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which pushes the costant 1 onto
the operand stack. - IConst_1() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IConst_1
- Creates a new instance of IConst_1
- ICONST_1 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IConst_2 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which pushes the costant 2 onto
the operand stack. - IConst_2() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IConst_2
- Creates a new instance of IConst_2
- ICONST_2 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IConst_3 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which pushes the costant 3 onto
the operand stack. - IConst_3() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IConst_3
- Creates a new instance of IConst_3
- ICONST_3 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IConst_4 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which pushes the costant 4 onto
the operand stack. - IConst_4() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IConst_4
- Creates a new instance of IConst_4
- ICONST_4 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IConst_5 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which pushes the costant 5 onto
the operand stack. - IConst_5() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IConst_5
- Creates a new instance of IConst_5
- ICONST_5 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IConst_M1 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which pushes the costant -1
onto the operand stack. - IConst_M1() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IConst_M1
- Creates a new instance of IConst_M1
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IDiv - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which divides the second entry of
the operand stack by the first one, and pushes the result back on top of the operand stack. - IDiv() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IDiv
- Creates a new instance of IDiv
- IDIV -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- If_ACmpEq - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which branches to the offset
obtained starting from the two required operands, if and only if the first two values popped from
the operand stack equal. - If_ACmpEq() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.If_ACmpEq
- Creates a new instance of If_ACmpEq
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- If_ACmpNe - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which branches to the offset
obtained starting from the two required operands, if and only if the first two values popped from
the operand stack don't equal. - If_ACmpNe() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.If_ACmpNe
- Creates a new instance of If_ACmpNe
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IF_ICmpeq - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which compares the first two
s popped from the operand stack. - IF_ICmpeq() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IF_ICmpeq
- Creates a new instance of IF_ICmpeq
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IF_ICmpge - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which compares the first two
s popped from the operand stack. - IF_ICmpge() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IF_ICmpge
- Creates a new instance of IF_ICmpge
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IF_ICmpgt - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which compares the first two
s popped from the operand stack. - IF_ICmpgt() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IF_ICmpgt
- Creates a new instance of IF_ICmpgt
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IF_ICmple - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which compares the first two
s popped from the operand stack. - IF_ICmple() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IF_ICmple
- Creates a new instance of IF_ICmple
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IF_ICmplt - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which compares the first two
s popped from the operand stack. - IF_ICmplt() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IF_ICmplt
- Creates a new instance of IF_ICmplt
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IF_ICmpne - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which compares the first two
s popped from the operand stack. - IF_ICmpne() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IF_ICmpne
- Creates a new instance of IF_ICmpne
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Ifeq - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which branches to the offset
obtained starting from the two required operands, if and only if the value popped from the
operand stack equals 0. - Ifeq() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Ifeq
- Creates a new instance of Ifeq
- IFEQ -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Ifge - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which branches to the offset
obtained starting from the two required operands, if and only if the value popped from the
operand stack is greater than or equals 0. - Ifge() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Ifge
- Creates a new instance of Ifge
- IFGE -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Ifgt - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which branches to the offset
obtained starting from the two required operands, if and only if the value popped from the
operand stack is greater than 0. - Ifgt() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Ifgt
- Creates a new instance of Ifgt
- IFGT -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Ifle - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which branches to the offset
obtained starting from the two required operands, if and only if the value popped from the
operand stack is less than or equals 0. - Ifle() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Ifle
- Creates a new instance of Ifle
- IFLE -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Iflt - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which branches to the offset
obtained starting from the two required operands, if and only if the value popped from the
operand stack is less than 0. - Iflt() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Iflt
- Creates a new instance of Iflt
- IFLT -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Ifne - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which branches to the offset
obtained starting from the two required operands, if and only if the value popped from the
operand stack does not equal 0. - Ifne() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Ifne
- Creates a new instance of Ifne
- IFNE -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IfNoNull - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which branches to the specified
offset if and only if the value of type reference
popped from the operand stack is
not null
. - IfNoNull() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IfNoNull
- Creates a new instance of IfNoNull
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IfNull - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which behaves exactly like the
instruction, but the jump happens if and only if the reference popped
from the operand stack is null
rether then non null
. - IfNull() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IfNull
- Creates a new instance of IfNull
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IInc - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which increments the
referenced by the first IINC
parameter (this is an index into
the local variable array of the current frame) by a constant given as second paramenter of the
bytecode instruction. - IInc() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IInc
- Creates a new instance of IInc
- IINC -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- ILoad - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which loads an int
from the local variable array of the current frame, at the index specified as parameter of the
instruction. - ILoad() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ILoad
- Creates a new instance of ILoad
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- ILoad_0 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which loads an int
from the index 0 of the local variable array of the current frame. - ILoad_0() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ILoad_0
- Creates a new instance of ILoad_0
- ILOAD_0 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- ILoad_1 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which loads an int
from the index 1 of the local variable array of the current frame. - ILoad_1() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ILoad_1
- Creates a new instance of ILoad_1
- ILOAD_1 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- ILoad_2 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which loads an int
from the index 2 of the local variable array of the current frame. - ILoad_2() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ILoad_2
- Creates a new instance of ILoad_2
- ILOAD_2 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- ILoad_3 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which loads an int
from the index 3 of the local variable array of the current frame. - ILoad_3() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ILoad_3
- Creates a new instance of ILoad_3
- ILOAD_3 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IMul - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which multiplies the first two
s popped from the operand stack and pushes back the result. - IMul() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IMul
- Creates a new instance of IMul
- IMUL -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- increase() -
Method in class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassC
- increment(int, E) -
Method in interface jef.dna.util.ChangeListener
- increment(Collection<? extends E>) -
Method in interface jef.dna.util.ChangeListener
- increment() -
Method in class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassD
- IndexOutOfRangeException - Exception in jef.dna.exceptions
- This exception is thrown when someone tries to access a list similar data structure, specifying
an invalid index.
- IndexOutOfRangeException(Range) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.exceptions.IndexOutOfRangeException
- Creates a new instance of
without detail message.
- INeg - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which performs the arithmetical
negation of the int
popped from the operand stack, and pushes back the result. - INeg() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.INeg
- Creates a new instance of Ineg
- INEG -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- InfoFactory - Class in jef.dna.infoStructures.impl
- This class is the factory needed for instantiating InfoStructures.
- InfoFactory() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoFactory
- Creates a new instance of InfoFactory
- InfoStructure - Interface in jef.dna.infoStructures
- This class gathers all the methods common to both the MethodInfoStructure and the
FielsInfoStructure interfaces.
- InfoStructureAncestor - Class in jef.dna.infoStructures.impl
- This is the ancestor class of both the
and the MethodInfo
implementation classes. - InfoStructureAncestor() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
- Creates a new instance of InfoStructureAncestor
- InfoStructureAttributeOutOfRangeException - Exception in jef.dna.infoStructures.exceptions
- This exception is thrown by a Field or MethodInfo when one of its attributes points to an index
out of the range admitted by the Constant Pool Table.
- InfoStructureAttributeOutOfRangeException(Object, String, Object, Range, String) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.infoStructures.exceptions.InfoStructureAttributeOutOfRangeException
- Creates a new instance of
- InfoStructuresFactory - Interface in jef.dna.infoStructures
- This interface defines the methods every real factory implementation has to provide.
- inject(Dna, DisconnectedMethod) -
Method in class jef.injection.impl.DefaultInjector
- inject(Dna, DisconnectedMethod) -
Method in interface jef.injection.Injector
- This method injects a disconnected method into a destination DNA.
- InjectionException - Exception in jef.injection.exception
- This exception is thrown whenever an error is faced while injecting
a disconnected data structure into a destination DNA.
- InjectionException(String, Throwable) -
Constructor for exception jef.injection.exception.InjectionException
- Creates a new instance of InjectionException
- Injector - Interface in jef.injection
- An injector is responsible of injecting a complete disconnected method
into a destination DNA instance.
- injectorsFactory -
Static variable in class jef.config.Instantiator
- The TAG identifing the factory used for instantiating
- InjectorsFactory - Interface in jef.injection
- This interface defines the contract every factory of injectors must adhere to.
- innerClasses -
Variable in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultDisconnectedField
- InnerClasses - Class in jef.dna.attributes.impl
- Class representing an Inner Classes Attribute.
- InnerClasses() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClasses
- Creates a new instance of InnerClasses
- InnerClassesAttribute - Interface in jef.dna.attributes
- Class representing an Inner Classes Attribute.
- InnerClassesTableEntry - Class in jef.dna.attributes.impl
- Class representing an Inner Classes instance's table entry.
- InnerClassesTableEntry() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClassesTableEntry
- Creates a new instance of InnerClassesTableEntry
- InnerClassesTableEntry - Interface in jef.dna.attributes
- Class representing an Inner Classes instance's table entry.
- InnerClassesTableEntryValidationException - Exception in jef.dna.attributes.exceptions
- Exception thrown when trying to validate an
. - InnerClassesTableEntryValidationException(Object, String, Integer, Range, String) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.InnerClassesTableEntryValidationException
- Creates a new instance of
detail message.
- InnerDnaSpawningException - Exception in jef.disconnection.impl
- InnerDnaSpawningException(String) -
Constructor for exception jef.disconnection.impl.InnerDnaSpawningException
- Creates a new instance of InnerDnaSpawningException
- InnerDnaSpawningException(String, Throwable) -
Constructor for exception jef.disconnection.impl.InnerDnaSpawningException
- innerExtract(MethodInfoStructure, Dna, DisconnectedMethod) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultMethodDisconnector
- Protected extraction method.
- innerExtractInit(MethodInfoStructure, Dna, DisconnectedMethod) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultMethodDisconnector
- innerIore -
Variable in exception jef.dna.exceptions.ValidationExceptionAncestor
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- This method guarantees the validation process' workflow is executed correctly.
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ConstantValue
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.EnclosingMethod
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionAttr
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.GenericAttribute
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClasses
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableAttribute
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableAttribute
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SourceFileAttribute
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantAncestor
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantClass
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantDouble
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantField
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantFloat
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantInteger
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantInterfaceMethod
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantLong
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantMethod
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantNameAndType
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantString
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantUtf8
- innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.UnusableCPTEntry
- InstanceOf - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which determines if the object
references by the address popped from the operand stack is of the type given by the entry of the
runtime constantpool addressed by the two bytes required as parameter for this instruction. - InstanceOf() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstanceOf
- Creates a new instance of InstanceOf
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Instantiator - Class in jef.config
- This class is in charge of instantiating objects according to the content of the configuration
files, specified via the following system properties:
These files respectively specify which concrete classes should be used in place of the JEF
interfaces at runtime. - Instantiator() -
Constructor for class jef.config.Instantiator
- InstantiatorException - Exception in jef.config.exceptions
- This exception is thrown whenever the
instance is unable to perform
its tasks. - InstantiatorException() -
Constructor for exception jef.config.exceptions.InstantiatorException
- Creates a new instance of
without detail message.
- InstantiatorException(String) -
Constructor for exception jef.config.exceptions.InstantiatorException
- Constructs an instance of
with the specified detail
- InstantiatorException(String, Throwable) -
Constructor for exception jef.config.exceptions.InstantiatorException
- Constructs an instance of
with the specified detail
- instrFactory -
Variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.GenericAttribute
- Instruction - Interface in jef.dna.instructions
- This interface has to be implemented by every class representing a Java bytecode instruction
- InstructionAncestor - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class is the ancestor of all the concrete instruction classes, and provides all these
methods common to every instruction.
- InstructionAncestor() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
- InstructionAncestorRefsCpt - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class is the ancestor of all the concrete instruction classes referring the constant pool
- InstructionAncestorRefsCpt() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestorRefsCpt
- InstructionFactory - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This factory class has to be used for instantiating instruction classes.
- InstructionFactory() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- InstructionFactory - Interface in jef.dna.instructions
- This interface defines the set of methods every concrete class meant for instantiating bytecode
instruction classes should define.
- InstructionRefsCpt - Interface in jef.dna.instructions
- This interface has to be implemented by every class representing a Java bytecode instruction
which refers to the constant pool table.
- InstructionRefsCpt16 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class is the ancestor of all the concrete instruction classes referring the constant pool
table with 16 bits index.
- InstructionRefsCpt16() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionRefsCpt16
- InstructionRefsCpt8 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class is the ancestor of all the concrete instruction classes referring the constant pool
table with 8 bits index.
- InstructionRefsCpt8() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionRefsCpt8
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- InvokeInterface - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which invokes an
interface method. - InvokeInterface() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InvokeInterface
- Creates a new instance of InvokeInterface
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- InvokeSpecial - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which invokes instance
initialization, private
and super class methods. - InvokeSpecial() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InvokeSpecial
- Creates a new instance of InvokeSpecial
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- InvokeStatic - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which invokes static
methods. - InvokeStatic() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InvokeStatic
- Creates a new instance of InvokeStatic
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- InvokeVirtual - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which invokes instance
methods. - InvokeVirtual() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InvokeVirtual
- Creates a new instance of InvokeVirtual
- IOR -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IOr - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which performs the boolean or of the
first two int
s popped from the operand stack. - IOr() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IOr
- Creates a new instance of IOr
- IREM -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IRem - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which calculates the reminder of the
division of the second entry of the operand stack by the first one. - IRem() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IRem
- Creates a new instance of Irem
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IReturn - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which is used to return an
from a method. - IReturn() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IReturn
- Creates a new instance of IReturn
- isConstantClass(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_Class_info or not.
- isConstantClass(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- isConstantDouble(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_Double_info or not.
- isConstantDouble(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- isConstantFieldRef(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_Field_info or not.
- isConstantFieldRef(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- isConstantFloat(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_Float_info or not.
- isConstantFloat(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- isConstantInteger(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_Integer_info or not.
- isConstantInteger(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- isConstantInterfaceMethodRef(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info or
- isConstantInterfaceMethodRef(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- isConstantLong(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_Long_info or not.
- isConstantLong(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- isConstantMethodRef(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_Method_info or not.
- isConstantMethodRef(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- isConstantNameAndType(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_NameAndType_info or not.
- isConstantNameAndType(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- isConstantString(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_String_info or not.
- isConstantString(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- isConstantUTF8(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_Utf8_info or not.
- isConstantUTF8(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- ISHL -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IShl - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which shifts left the second entry
of the operand stack by s bit positions, where s is the value of the low 5 bits of the first
entry of the operand stack. - IShl() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IShl
- Creates a new instance of IShl
- ISHR -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IShr - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which shifts right the second entry
of the operand stack by s bit positions, where s is the value of the low 5 bits of the first
entry of the operand stack. - IShr() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IShr
- Creates a new instance of IShr
- isIndexValid(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- This methods states whether the specified index
is valid within the
constant pool table according to the class file specification.
- isIndexValid(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- This methods states whether the specified index
is valid within the
constant pool table according to the class file specification.
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IStore - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which stores an int
popped from the operand stack into a local variable whose address points to an entry of the local
variable array of the current frame. - IStore() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IStore
- Creates a new instance of IStore
- ISTORE_0 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IStore_0 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which stores an int
value popped from the operand stack into the local variable array of the current frame at index
0. - IStore_0() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IStore_0
- Creates a new instance of IStore_0
- ISTORE_1 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IStore_1 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which stores an int
value popped from the operand stack into the local variable array of the current frame at index
1. - IStore_1() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IStore_1
- Creates a new instance of IStore_1
- ISTORE_2 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IStore_2 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which stores an int
value popped from the operand stack into the local variable array of the current frame at index
2. - IStore_2() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IStore_2
- Creates a new instance of IStore_2
- ISTORE_3 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IStore_3 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which stores an int
value popped from the operand stack into the local variable array of the current frame at index
3. - IStore_3() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IStore_3
- Creates a new instance of IStore_3
- ISUB -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- ISub - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which subtracts the first value
popped from the operand stack from the second one, and pushes the result back onto the operand
stack. - ISub() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ISub
- Creates a new instance of ISub
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Iushr - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction. - Iushr() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Iushr
- Creates a new instance of Iushr
- IXOR -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- IXOr - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which performs the boolean xor over
the first two values popped from the operand stack. - IXOr() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IXOr
- Creates a new instance of IXOr
- jef - package jef
- jef.config - package jef.config
- jef.config.exceptions - package jef.config.exceptions
- jef.deepCopier - package jef.deepCopier
- jef.deepCopier.exceptions - package jef.deepCopier.exceptions
- jef.deepCopier.impl - package jef.deepCopier.impl
- jef.disconnection - package jef.disconnection
- jef.disconnection.exceptions - package jef.disconnection.exceptions
- jef.disconnection.impl - package jef.disconnection.impl
- jef.dna - package jef.dna
- jef.dna.annotations - package jef.dna.annotations
- jef.dna.attributes - package jef.dna.attributes
- jef.dna.attributes.exceptions - package jef.dna.attributes.exceptions
- jef.dna.attributes.impl - package jef.dna.attributes.impl
- jef.dna.attributesTable - package jef.dna.attributesTable
- jef.dna.attributesTable.exceptions - package jef.dna.attributesTable.exceptions
- jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def - package jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def
- jef.dna.constantInfo - package jef.dna.constantInfo
- jef.dna.constantInfo.exceptions - package jef.dna.constantInfo.exceptions
- jef.dna.constantInfo.impl - package jef.dna.constantInfo.impl
- jef.dna.constantPoolTable - package jef.dna.constantPoolTable
- jef.dna.constantPoolTable.exceptions - package jef.dna.constantPoolTable.exceptions
- jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl - package jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl
- jef.dna.exceptions - package jef.dna.exceptions
- jef.dna.fieldsTable - package jef.dna.fieldsTable
- jef.dna.fieldsTable.exceptions - package jef.dna.fieldsTable.exceptions
- jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def - package jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def
- jef.dna.infoStructures - package jef.dna.infoStructures
- jef.dna.infoStructures.exceptions - package jef.dna.infoStructures.exceptions
- jef.dna.infoStructures.impl - package jef.dna.infoStructures.impl
- jef.dna.instructions - package jef.dna.instructions
- jef.dna.instructions.exceptions - package jef.dna.instructions.exceptions
- jef.dna.instructions.impl - package jef.dna.instructions.impl
- jef.dna.methodsTable - package jef.dna.methodsTable
- jef.dna.methodsTable.exceptions - package jef.dna.methodsTable.exceptions
- jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def - package jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def
- jef.dna.util - package jef.dna.util
- jef.injection - package jef.injection
- jef.injection.exception - package jef.injection.exception
- jef.injection.impl - package jef.injection.impl
- jef.mixers - package jef.mixers
- jef.mixers.exceptions - package jef.mixers.exceptions
- jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer - package jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer
- jef.test - package jef.test
- jef.test.dummies - package jef.test.dummies
- jef.test.dummies.impl - package jef.test.dummies.impl
- jef.test.dummies.interfaces - package jef.test.dummies.interfaces
- JEFClassResolver - Class in jef.disconnection.impl
- JEFClassResolver() -
Constructor for class jef.disconnection.impl.JEFClassResolver
- jefConfigFileURL -
Static variable in class jef.JefPropertyKeys
- JefPropertyKeys - Class in jef
- Wide scope constants
- JefPropertyKeys() -
Constructor for class jef.JefPropertyKeys
- JSR -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Jsr - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which jumps to subroutine. - Jsr() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Jsr
- Creates a new instance of Jsr
- JSR_W -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Jsr_W - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which jumps to subroutine (wide
index). - Jsr_W() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Jsr_W
- Creates a new instance of Jsr_W
- L2D -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- L2d - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which converts a long
to a double
. - L2d() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.L2d
- Creates a new instance of L2d
- L2F -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- L2f - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which converts a long
to a float
. - L2f() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.L2f
- Creates a new instance of L2f
- L2I -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- L2i - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which converts a long
to an int
. - L2i() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.L2i
- Creates a new instance of L2i
- LADD -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LAdd - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which adds two long
took from the operand stack. - LAdd() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LAdd
- Creates a new instance of LAdd
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LALoad - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which loads a long
from the position specified by the first entry of the operand stack of the array referenced by
the second entry of the operand stack. - LALoad() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LALoad
- Creates a new instance of LALoad
- LAND -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LAnd - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which performs a bitwise and
operation of the first two long
s popped from the operand stack. - LAnd() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LAnd
- Creates a new instance of LAnd
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LAStore - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which stores a long
to an array. - LAStore() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LAStore
- Creates a new instance of LAStore
- LCMP -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Lcmp - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which compares the first two
s popped from thr operand stack. - Lcmp() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Lcmp
- Creates a new instance of Lcmp
- LCONST_0 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LConst_0 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which pushes a 0
constant onto the operand stack. - LConst_0() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LConst_0
- Creates a new instance of LConst_0
- LCONST_1 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LConst_1 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which pushes a 1
constant onto the operand stack. - LConst_1() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LConst_1
- Creates a new instance of LConst_1
- LDC -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Ldc - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which pushes into the operand stack a
value taken from the runtime constant pool of the current class at the index specified by the
only one argument of the LDC
instruction. - Ldc() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Ldc
- Creates a new instance of Ldc
- LDC2_W -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Ldc2_W - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which pushes into the operand
stack a long
or double
taken from the runtime constant pool of the
current class at the index specified by the two arguments of the LDC
instruction. - Ldc2_W() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Ldc2_W
- Creates a new instance of Ldc2_W
- LDC_W -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Ldc_W - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which pushes into the operand stack
a value taken from the runtime constant pool of the current class at the index specified by the
two arguments of the LDC
instruction. - Ldc_W() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Ldc_W
- Creates a new instance of Ldc_W
- LDIV -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LDiv - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which divides the second entry of
the operand stack by the first one, and pushes the result back on top of the operand stack. - LDiv() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LDiv
- Creates a new instance of LDiv
- length -
Static variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.DeprecatedAttribute
- length -
Variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.GenericAttribute
- LineNumberTableAttribute - Class in jef.dna.attributes.impl
- Class representing a Line Number Table Attribute.
- LineNumberTableAttribute() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableAttribute
- Creates a new instance of LineNumberTableAttribute
- LineNumberTableAttribute - Interface in jef.dna.attributes
- Class representing a Line Number Table Attribute.
- LineNumberTableEntry - Class in jef.dna.attributes.impl
- Class representing a Line Number Table instance's entry.
- LineNumberTableEntry() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableEntry
- Creates a new instance of LineNumberTableEntry
- LineNumberTableEntry - Interface in jef.dna.attributes
- Class representing a Line Number Table instance's entry.
- LineNumberTableEntryValidationException - Exception in jef.dna.attributes.exceptions
- This exception is thrown whenever the validation process of a
instance fails. - LineNumberTableEntryValidationException(Object, String, Integer, Range, String) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.LineNumberTableEntryValidationException
- Creates a new instance of
detail message.
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LLoad - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which loads a long
value from a local variable whose index is provided as parameter. - LLoad() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LLoad
- Creates a new instance of LLoad
- LLOAD_0 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LLoad_0 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which loads a long
value from the position 0 of the local variable array of the current frame. - LLoad_0() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LLoad_0
- Creates a new instance of LLoad_0
- LLOAD_1 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LLoad_1 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which loads a long
value from the position 1 of the local variable array of the current frame. - LLoad_1() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LLoad_1
- Creates a new instance of LLoad_1
- LLOAD_2 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LLoad_2 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which loads a long
value from the position 2 of the local variable array of the current frame. - LLoad_2() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LLoad_2
- Creates a new instance of LLoad_2
- LLOAD_3 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LLoad_3 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which loads a long
value from the position 3 of the local variable array of the current frame. - LLoad_3() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LLoad_3
- Creates a new instance of LLoad_3
- LMUL -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LMul - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which multiplies the first two
s popped from the operand stack and pushes back the result. - LMul() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LMul
- Creates a new instance of LMul
- LNEG -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LNeg - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which performs the arithmetical
negation of the long
popped from the operand stack, and pushes back the result. - LNeg() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LNeg
- Creates a new instance of Lneg
- LocalVariableTableAttribute - Class in jef.dna.attributes.impl
- Class representing a Local Variable Table Attribute.
- LocalVariableTableAttribute() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableAttribute
- Creates a new instance of LocalVariableTableAttribute
- LocalVariableTableAttribute - Interface in jef.dna.attributes
- Class representing a Local Variable Table Attribute.
- LocalVariableTableEntry - Class in jef.dna.attributes.impl
- Class representing a Local Variable instance's table entry.
- LocalVariableTableEntry() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- Creates a new instance of LocalVariableTableEntry
- LocalVariableTableEntry - Interface in jef.dna.attributes
- Class representing a Local Variable instance's table entry.
- LocalVariableTableEntryValidationException - Exception in jef.dna.attributes.exceptions
- This exception is thrown upon failure when validating a
. - LocalVariableTableEntryValidationException(Object, String, Integer, Range, String) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.LocalVariableTableEntryValidationException
- Creates a new instance of
detail message.
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.AttributeFactory
- Logger
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ConstantValue
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.DeprecatedAttribute
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionAttr
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionTableEntry
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.GenericAttribute
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClasses
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClassesTableEntry
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableAttribute
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableEntry
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableAttribute
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SourceFileAttribute
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def.ATable
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantAncestor
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantClass
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantDouble
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantField
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantFloat
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantInteger
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantInterfaceMethod
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantLong
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantMethod
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantNameAndType
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantString
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantUtf8
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTableFactory
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.DnaWriter
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def.FTable
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def.FTableFactory
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.BCOperations
- Logger
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestorRefsCpt
- Logger
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Logger
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def.MTable
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.injection.impl.DefaultInjector
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.test.DeepCopyTest
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.test.DnaMixTest
- Logger
- logger -
Static variable in class jef.test.MethodDisconnectionTest
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LookupSwitch - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction. - LookupSwitch() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LookupSwitch
- Creates a new instance of LookupSwitch
- LOR -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LOr - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which performs the boolean or of the
first two long
s popped from the operand stack. - LOr() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LOr
- Creates a new instance of LOr
- LREM -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LRem - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which calculates the reminder of the
division of the second entry of the operand stack by the first one. - LRem() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LRem
- Creates a new instance of Lrem
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LReturn - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which is used to return an
from a method. - LReturn() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LReturn
- Creates a new instance of LReturn
- LSHL -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LShl - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which shifts left the second entry
of the operand stack by s bit positions, where s is the value of the low 5 bits of the first
entry of the operand stack. - LShl() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LShl
- Creates a new instance of LShl
- LSHR -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LShr - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which shifts right the second entry
of the operand stack by s bit positions, where s is the value of the low 5 bits of the first
entry of the operand stack. - LShr() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LShr
- Creates a new instance of LShr
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LStore - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which stores a long
popped from the operand stack into a local variable whose address points to an entry of the local
variable array of the current frame. - LStore() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LStore
- Creates a new instance of LStore
- LSTORE_0 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LStore_0 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which stores an
value popped from the operand stack into the local variable array of the
current frame at index 0. - LStore_0() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LStore_0
- Creates a new instance of LStore_0
- LSTORE_1 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LStore_1 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which stores an
value popped from the operand stack into the local variable array of the
current frame at index 1. - LStore_1() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LStore_1
- Creates a new instance of LStore_1
- LSTORE_2 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LStore_2 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which stores an
value popped from the operand stack into the local variable array of the
current frame at index 2. - LStore_2() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LStore_2
- Creates a new instance of LStore_2
- LSTORE_3 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LStore_3 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which stores an
value popped from the operand stack into the local variable array of the
current frame at index 3. - LStore_3() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LStore_3
- Creates a new instance of LStore_3
- LSUB -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LSub - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which subtracts the first value
popped from the operand stack from the second one, and pushes the result back onto the operand
stack. - LSub() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LSub
- Creates a new instance of LSub
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Lushr - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction. - Lushr() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Lushr
- Creates a new instance of Lushr
- LXOR -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- LXOr - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which performs the boolean xor over
the first two values popped from the operand stack. - LXOr() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LXOr
- Creates a new instance of LXOr
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class jef.dna.util.ValidationExceptionHelperTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class jef.test.DeepCopyTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class jef.test.DnaMixTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class jef.test.DnaSwapTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class jef.test.DnaTest
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class jef.test.dummies.impl.simpleInterfaceImpl_1
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class jef.test.dummies.impl.simpleInterfaceImpl_2
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassA
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class jef.test.MethodDisconnectionTest
- MASK -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestorRefsCpt
- Bit mask used to extract a byte value from an int value.
- MASK_16 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.BCOperations
- Bit mask used to exstrac a byte value from an int value.
Static variable in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
Variable in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoFactory
Static variable in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructuresFactory
- Constant to be used for instantiating an Method Info
- MethodDisconnectionTest - Class in jef.test
- MethodDisconnectionTest(String, String) -
Constructor for class jef.test.MethodDisconnectionTest
- Creates a new instance of MethodDisconnectionTest
- MethodDisconnector - Interface in jef.disconnection
- This interface defines the contract every concrete class responsible of extracting a method's
definition from a Java class has to adhere to.
- MethodInfo - Class in jef.dna.infoStructures.impl
- Class representing a Method Info structure.
- MethodInfo() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.MethodInfo
- Constructor.
- MethodInfoStructure - Interface in jef.dna.infoStructures
- Standard interface to be implemented by service providers.
- MethodInfoStructureNotFoundException - Exception in jef.dna.methodsTable.exceptions
- This exception is thrown whenever a
instance cannot be
retrieved from a MethodsTable
implementation object. - MethodInfoStructureNotFoundException() -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.methodsTable.exceptions.MethodInfoStructureNotFoundException
- Creates a new instance of
without detail
- MethodInfoStructureNotFoundException(String) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.methodsTable.exceptions.MethodInfoStructureNotFoundException
- Constructs an instance of
with the
specified detail message.
- MethodsTable - Interface in jef.dna.methodsTable
- This interface defines the methods every
containerimplementation has to provide. - MethodsTableFactory - Interface in jef.dna.methodsTable
- This interface defines the methods every real implementation class of the
interface has to provide. - MissingAttributeContainerException - Exception in jef.dna.attributes.exceptions
- This exception is thrown by those classes stored within
subclasses in
the case their AttributeContainer
should have not be set. - MissingAttributeContainerException() -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.MissingAttributeContainerException
- Creates a new instance of
without detail
- MissingAttributeContainerException(String) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.MissingAttributeContainerException
- Constructs an instance of
with the
specified detail message.
- MissingCPTableException - Exception in jef.dna.exceptions
- This exception is thrown whenever a
cannot be retrieved from a
instance. - MissingCPTableException() -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.exceptions.MissingCPTableException
- Creates a new instance of
without detail message.
- MissingCPTableException(String) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.exceptions.MissingCPTableException
- Constructs an instance of
with the specified detail
- MissingDnaContainerException - Exception in jef.dna.exceptions
- This exception is thrown whenever one of the building entities of a
instance (constantInfo, infoStructures, or attributes
realizes that is missing the required reference to its own Dna
container. - MissingDnaContainerException() -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.exceptions.MissingDnaContainerException
- Creates a new instance of
without detail message.
- MissingDnaContainerException(String) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.exceptions.MissingDnaContainerException
- Constructs an instance of
with the specified
detail message.
- mix() -
Method in interface jef.mixers.DnaMixer
- The
method is the entry point for applications willing to mix two
instances leveraging on the adopted DnaMixer
implementation's logic.
- mix() -
Method in class jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer.DnaSimpleMixer
- This method mixes the two
instances passed to the contructor and returns a
new one exposing a set of methods equals to the union of the ones exposed by both the
instances above.
- MixerException - Exception in jef.mixers.exceptions
- This exception is thrown whenever a mix fails.
- MixerException() -
Constructor for exception jef.mixers.exceptions.MixerException
- Creates a new instance of
without detail message.
- MixerException(String) -
Constructor for exception jef.mixers.exceptions.MixerException
- Constructs an instance of
with the specified detail message.
- MixerException(String, Throwable) -
Constructor for exception jef.mixers.exceptions.MixerException
- Constructs an instance of
with the specified detail message and
the specified root cause.
- MixerFactory - Interface in jef.mixers
- This class is used for instantiating new dna mixers.
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- MonitorEnter - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which enters monitor for
object. - MonitorEnter() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.MonitorEnter
- Creates a new instance of MonitorEnter
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- MonitorExit - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which exit monitor for
object. - MonitorExit() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.MonitorExit
- Creates a new instance of MonitorExit
- msg -
Variable in exception jef.dna.exceptions.ValidationExceptionAncestor
- MTable - Class in jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def
- This is the default implementation of the
interface. - MTable() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def.MTable
- Creates a new instance of MTable
- MTableFactory - Class in jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def
- This is the default real implementation class of the
interface. - MTableFactory() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def.MTableFactory
- Creates a new instance of MTableFactory
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- MultiANewArray - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which creates new
multidimensional array. - MultiANewArray() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.MultiANewArray
- Creates a new instance of MultiANewArray
- nameAndTypeIndex -
Variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantField
- nameAndTypeIndex -
Variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantMethod
- nameIndex -
Variable in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
- NEW -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- New - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which is used to instantiate a new
object. - New() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.New
- Creates a new instance of New
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- NewArray - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which creates a new array whose
dimension is given by the first value popped from the operand stack. - NewArray() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.NewArray
- Creates a new instance of NewArray
- NOP -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Nop - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which does nothing. - Nop() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Nop
- Creates a new instance of Nop
- nop() -
Method in class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassC
- NoSuchElementException - Exception in jef.config.exceptions
- This exception is thrown by the
whenever the required component
cannot be found in the provided configuration. - NoSuchElementException() -
Constructor for exception jef.config.exceptions.NoSuchElementException
- Creates a new instance of
without detail message.
- NoSuchElementException(String) -
Constructor for exception jef.config.exceptions.NoSuchElementException
- Constructs an instance of
with the specified detail
- NotifyingList<E> - Class in jef.dna.util
- NotifyingList(ChangeListener) -
Constructor for class jef.dna.util.NotifyingList
- Creates a new instance of NotifyingList
- opCode -
Variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
- operands -
Variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
- operandsCount -
Variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
- POP -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Pop - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which pop the top value from the
operand stack. - Pop() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Pop
- Creates a new instance of Pop
- POP2 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Pop2 - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which pop the top one or two values
from the operand stack. - Pop2() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Pop2
- Creates a new instance of Pop2
- printData(Object) -
Method in class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassA
- processInnerClasses(HashMap<String, Dna>, String) -
Method in class jef.injection.impl.DefaultInjector
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- PutField - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which set field in object. - PutField() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.PutField
- Creates a new instance of PutField
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- PutStatic - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which set static field in
class. - PutStatic() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.PutStatic
- Creates a new instance of PutStatic
- Range - Class in jef.dna.util
- This class represents the concept of range, useful for representing the correct value an entity
shoul conform to in a
rooted class. - Range(int, int) -
Constructor for class jef.dna.util.Range
- Creates a new instance of Range
- read() -
Method in class jef.dna.DnaReader
- Method for obtaining the
object representing the class file passed to the
- read(byte[]) -
Static method in class jef.dna.DnaReader
- RefersToCpInfo - Annotation Type in jef.dna.annotations
- This annotation is used to tag both methods and fields respectively manipulating or representing
references to
s (Constant Pool Table entries). - RefersToField - Annotation Type in jef.dna.annotations
- This annotation tags all those classes mapping bytecode instructions which refer to fields (i.e.
- RefersToMethod - Annotation Type in jef.dna.annotations
- This annotation tags all those classes mapping bytecode instructions which refer to methods (i.e.
- registerNewImplementation(String, String) -
Method in class jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer.DnaSimpleMixerFactory
- This method registers a new mapping identifying a new
- registerNewImplementation(String, String) -
Method in interface jef.mixers.MixerFactory
- This method registers a new mapping identifying a new
- remove(int, boolean) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributesTable.AttributesTable
- Removes the entry at the specified index, if exists, resizing the table if
is true
, otherwise the removed entry has to be
replaced by null
- remove(Attribute, boolean) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributesTable.AttributesTable
- Removes the specified entry, if exists, resizing the table if
, otherwise the removed entry has to be replaced by null
- remove(int, boolean) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def.ATable
- Removes the entry at the specified index, if exists, resizing the table if
is true
, otherwise the removed entry has to be
replaced by null
- remove(Attribute, boolean) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def.ATable
- Removes the specified entry, if exists, resizing the table if
, otherwise the removed entry has to be replaced by null
- remove(int, boolean) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- Removes the entry at the specified index, if exists, resizing the constant pool table if
is true
, otherwise the removed entry has to be
replaced by null
- remove(ConstantInfo, boolean) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- Removes the specified entry, if exists, resizing the constant pool table if
is true
, otherwise the removed entry has to be
replaced by null
- remove(ConstantInfo, boolean) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- Removes the specified entry, if exists, resizing the constant pool table if
is true
, otherwise the removed entry has to be
replaced by null
- remove(int, boolean) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- Removes the entry at the specified index, if exists, resizing the constant pool table if
is true
, otherwise the removed entry has to be
replaced by null
- remove(int, boolean) -
Method in interface jef.dna.fieldsTable.FieldsTable
- Removes the entry at the specified index, if exists, resizing the table if
is true
, otherwise the removed entry has to be
replaced by null
- remove(FieldInfoStructure, boolean) -
Method in interface jef.dna.fieldsTable.FieldsTable
- Removes the specified entry, if exists, resizing the table if
, otherwise the removed entry has to be replaced by null
- remove(int, boolean) -
Method in class jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def.FTable
- Removes the entry at the specified index, if exists, resizing the table if
is true
, otherwise the removed entry has to be
replaced by null
- remove(FieldInfoStructure, boolean) -
Method in class jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def.FTable
- Removes the specified entry, if exists, resizing the table if
, otherwise the removed entry has to be replaced by null
- remove(int, boolean) -
Method in class jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def.MTable
- Removes the entry at the specified index, if exists, resizing the table if
is true
, otherwise the removed entry has to be
replaced by null
- remove(MethodInfoStructure, boolean) -
Method in class jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def.MTable
- Removes the specified entry, if exists, resizing the table if
, otherwise the removed entry has to be replaced by null
- remove(int, boolean) -
Method in interface jef.dna.methodsTable.MethodsTable
- Removes the entry at the specified index, if exists, resizing the table if
is true
, otherwise the removed entry has to be
replaced by null
- remove(MethodInfoStructure, boolean) -
Method in interface jef.dna.methodsTable.MethodsTable
- Removes the specified entry, if exists, resizing the table if
, otherwise the removed entry has to be replaced by null
- remove(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.util.NotifyingList
- remove(Object) -
Method in class jef.dna.util.NotifyingList
- removeAll(Collection<?>) -
Method in class jef.dna.util.NotifyingList
- reorganizeIndexes(ConstantPoolTable, int) -
Method in class jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer.DnaSimpleMixer
- This method reorganizes all the references within a constant pool table in a way that all of
them get shifted by the given offset.
- RET -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Ret - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which returns from a subruotine. - Ret() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Ret
- Creates a new instance of Ret
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Return - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which returns void
from a method. - Return() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Return
- Creates a new instance of Return
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- SALoad - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which loads short from array. - SALoad() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.SALoad
- Creates a new instance of SALoad
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- SAStore - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which stores into short array. - SAStore() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.SAStore
- Creates a new instance of SAStore
- searchField(Dna, int, int) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultMethodDisconnector
- This method searches over the provided
instance for a field having the
given nameIndex
and descriptorIndex
- searchMethod(Dna, int, int) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultMethodDisconnector
- This method searches over the provided
instance for a method having the
given nameIndex
and descriptorIndex
- secondInnerClassMethod() -
Method in class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassD.SecondInnerClass
- set(int, E) -
Method in class jef.dna.util.NotifyingList
- setAccessFlags(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- This method sets the current class access modifier.
- setAccessFlags(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
- setAccessFlags(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructure
- Set the method's access flags defining which access modifiers are applied to the current
- setAccessFlags(Dna, Dna, Dna) -
Method in class jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer.DnaSimpleMixer
- This methodo sets the right access flags to the new generated class file.
- setAttributeContainer(CodeAttribute) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry
- Set the reference to the
this ExceptionTableEntry
is held by.
- setAttributeContainer(CodeAttribute) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionTableEntry
- setAttributeContainer(InnerClassesAttribute) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClassesTableEntry
- setAttributeContainer(CodeAttribute) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableAttribute
- setAttributeContainer(LineNumberTableAttribute) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableEntry
- setAttributeContainer(CodeAttribute) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableAttribute
- setAttributeContainer(LocalVariableTableAttribute) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- setAttributeContainer(InnerClassesAttribute) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.InnerClassesTableEntry
- Set the attribute containing the
- setAttributeContainer(CodeAttribute) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LineNumberTableAttribute
- Set the
which contains the current
- setAttributeContainer(LineNumberTableAttribute) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LineNumberTableEntry
- Set the
containing the current
- setAttributeContainer(CodeAttribute) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableAttribute
- Set the reference to the
containing the current
- setAttributeContainer(LocalVariableTableAttribute) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableEntry
- Set the reference to the
containing the current
- setAttributeCount(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
- setAttributeCount(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructure
- Set the number of the additional attributes of the current method.
- setAttributes(AttributesTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Sets the attributes exposed by the Java class represented by the current
- setAttributes(List<Attribute>) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
- setAttributes(List<Attribute>) -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructure
- Instances contained within the input
have to be valid implementations
of the interfaces defined in the package dna.attributes
- setCatchType(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry
- If the value of
is non zero, it must refer to an entry of the constant
pool table of type ConstantClass
- setCatchType(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionTableEntry
- If the value of
is non zero, it must refer to an entry of the constant
pool table of type ConstantClass
- setClasses(List<InnerClassesTableEntry>) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClasses
- setClassIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.EnclosingMethodAttribute
- Thevalue of theclass_index item must be a valid index into the
constant_pool table.
- setClassIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.EnclosingMethod
- setClassIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstField
- The value of the class_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- setClassIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantField
- setClassIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantMethod
- setCode(int[]) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.CodeAttribute
- This method sets this Code Attribute's bytecode, as an
- setCode(int[]) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- This method sets this Code Attribute's bytecode, as an
- setConstantPoolTable(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in interface jef.disconnection.DisconnectedField
- Sets the
instance containing all the cp_info
required by both the fields stored in the current DisconnectedField
- setConstantPoolTable(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultDisconnectedField
- Sets the
instance containing all the cp_info
required by both the fields and methods stored in the current DisconnectedMethod
- setConstantPoolTable(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Sets the Constant Pool Table in the current
- setConstantPoolTable(Dna, ConstantPoolTable, ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer.DnaSimpleMixer
- newDna's constant pool table will be the union of xDna's and yDna's constant pool tables.
- setCpt(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstantInfo
- Set a reference to the
instance this
entity belongs to.
- setCpt(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantAncestor
- Set a reference to the
instance this
entity belongs to.
- setDebugExtension(String) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SourceDebugExtension
- setDebugExtension(String) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.SourceDebugExtensionAttribute
- Thedebug_extension array holds a string, which must be in
UTF-8format.There is no terminating zero byte.
- setDescriptorIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- setDescriptorIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableEntry
- The value of the descriptor_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- setDescriptorIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstNameAndType
- The value of the descriptor_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- setDescriptorIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantNameAndType
- setDescriptorIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
- setDescriptorIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructure
- Set a valid index pointing to a constant pool table's entry of type ConstantUtf8 representing
the description of the current method.
- setDna(Dna) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.Attribute
- Set the
instance which will contain the current Attribute
- setDna(Dna) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- setDna(Dna) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.GenericAttribute
- Set the
instance which will contain the current Attribute
- setDna(Dna) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributesTable.AttributesTable
- Set the
- setDna(Dna) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def.ATable
- Set the
- setDna(Dna) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- Set the
- setDna(Dna) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- Set the
- setDna(Dna) -
Method in interface jef.dna.fieldsTable.FieldsTable
- Set the
- setDna(Dna) -
Method in class jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def.FTable
- Set the
- setDna(Dna) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
- setDna(Dna) -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructure
- Set a reference to the
instance this infoStructure
belongs to.
- setDna(Dna) -
Method in class jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def.MTable
- Set the
- setDna(Dna) -
Method in interface jef.dna.methodsTable.MethodsTable
- Set the
- setDna(Dna) -
Method in class jef.test.DnaSwapper
- setDnas(Dna, Dna) -
Method in interface jef.mixers.DnaMixer
- This method sets the two
instances that will be used for generating the
new one.
- setDnas(Dna, Dna) -
Method in class jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer.DnaSimpleMixer
- This method sets the two
instances that will be used for generating the
new one.
- setDstCpt(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in interface jef.deepCopier.DeepCopier
- Sets the destination
instance, that is the
the cp_info
-chain should be copied to.
- setDstCpt(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.deepCopier.impl.StatefulDeepCopier
- Sets the destination
instance, that is the
the cp_info
-chain should be copied to.
- setEnd(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.util.Range
- Sets the last valid value of the range
- setEndPc(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry
- Sets the index at which the exception handler becomes inactive.
- setEndPc(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionTableEntry
- Sets the index at which the exception handler becomes inactive.
- setException(ValidationExceptionAncestor) -
Method in class jef.dna.util.ValidationExceptionHelper
- Sets the
subclass handled by the current
- setExceptionIndexTable(List<Integer>) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionAttr
- setExceptionTable(List<ExceptionTableEntry>) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- Sets the exception table.
- setExceptionTblValidExc(ExceptionTableEntryValidationException) -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.AttributeValidationException
- Sets the
stored within the current
- setExceptionTblValidExc() -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.AttributeValidationException
- Gets the
stored within the current
- setFields(FieldsTable) -
Method in interface jef.disconnection.DisconnectedField
- Sets the
instance containing all the extracted fields.
- setFields(FieldsTable) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultDisconnectedField
- Sets the
instance containing all the fields required by the
methods stored in the current DisconnectedMethod
- setFields(FieldsTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Sets the fields declared by the Java class represented by this
- setFields(Dna, Dna, Dna, int, int) -
Method in class jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer.DnaSimpleMixer
- The new dna instance will have, as fields, the union of xDna's and yDna's fields.
- setHandlerPc(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry
- Sets the start of the exception handler.
- setHandlerPc(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionTableEntry
- Sets the start of the exception handler.
- setHighBytes(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstDouble
- The high_bytes and low_bytes items of the CONSTANT_Double_info structure together represent
the double value in IEEE 754 floating-point double format.
- setHighBytes(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstLong
- The unsigned high_bytes and low_bytes items of the CONSTANT_Long_info structure together
represent the value of the long constant ((long) high_bytes << 32) + low_bytes, where the
bytes of each of high_bytes and low_bytes are stored in big-endian (high byte first) order.
- setHighBytes(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantDouble
- setHighBytes(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantLong
- setIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- setIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableEntry
- The given local variable must be at index in the local variable array of the current frame.
- setIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestorRefsCpt
- Sets the reference to the constant pool table.
- setIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionRefsCpt16
- Sets the reference to the constant pool table.
- setIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionRefsCpt8
- Sets the reference to the constant pool table.
- setIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.instructions.InstructionRefsCpt
- Sets the reference to the constant pool table.
- setInitMethod(MethodInfoStructure) -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- setInnerAttributeOutOfRangeException(AttributeOutOfRangeException) -
Method in exception jef.dna.infoStructures.exceptions.FieldInfoValidationException
- Sets the
that caused the current
to be raised.
- setInnerAttributeValidationException(AttributeValidationException) -
Method in exception jef.dna.infoStructures.exceptions.FieldInfoValidationException
- Sets the
that caused the current
to be raised.
- setInnerClassAccesFlags(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClassesTableEntry
- setInnerClassAccesFlags(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.InnerClassesTableEntry
- The value of the inner_class_access_flags item is a mask of flags used to denote access
permissions to and properties of class or interface as declared in the source code from which
this class file was compiled.
- setInnerClassesTblValidExc(InnerClassesTableEntryValidationException) -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.AttributeValidationException
- Sets the
stored within the current
- setInnerClassInfoIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClassesTableEntry
- setInnerClassInfoIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.InnerClassesTableEntry
- The value of the inner_class_info_index item must be zero or a valid index into the
constant_pool table.
- setInnerIndexOutOfRangeException(IndexOutOfRangeException) -
Method in exception jef.dna.exceptions.ValidationExceptionAncestor
- This method should be useful to
- setInnerNameIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClassesTableEntry
- setInnerNameIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.InnerClassesTableEntry
- If the inner class is anonymous, the value of the inner_name_index item must be zero.
- setInnerUnknownOpCodeException(UnknownOpCodeException) -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.ExceptionTableEntryValidationException
- Set the
that caused the current exception to be raised.
- setInnerUnknownOpCodeException(UnknownOpCodeException) -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.LocalVariableTableEntryValidationException
- Set the
that caused the current exception to be raised.
- setInterfaces(List<Integer>) -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Set the array of references to the constant pool table entries of type
Constant Class Info
associated with this class' implemented interfaces.
- setLength(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- setLength(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableEntry
- The given local variable must have a value at indices into the code array in the interval
[start_pc, start_pc+length], that is, between start_pc and start_pc+length inclusive.
- setLength(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstUtf8
- The value of the length item gives the number of bytes in the bytes array (not the length of
the resulting string).
- setLength(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantUtf8
- setLineNumber(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableEntry
- setLineNumber(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LineNumberTableEntry
- The value of the line_number item must give the corresponding line number in the original
source file
- setLineNumberTable(List<LineNumberTableEntry>) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableAttribute
- setLineNumberTblValidExc(LineNumberTableEntryValidationException) -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.AttributeValidationException
- Sets the
stored within the current
- setListener(ChangeListener) -
Method in class jef.dna.util.NotifyingList
- setLocalVariableTable(List<LocalVariableTableEntry>) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableAttribute
- setLocalVariableTblValidExc(LocalVariableTableEntryValidationException) -
Method in exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.AttributeValidationException
- Sets the
stored within the current
- setLowBytes(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstDouble
- The high_bytes and low_bytes items of the CONSTANT_Double_info structure together represent
the double value in IEEE 754 floating-point double format.
- setLowBytes(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstLong
- The unsigned high_bytes and low_bytes items of the CONSTANT_Long_info structure together
represent the value of the long constant ((long) high_bytes << 32) + low_bytes, where the
bytes of each of high_bytes and low_bytes are stored in big-endian (high byte first) order.
- setLowBytes(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantDouble
- setLowBytes(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantLong
- setMajorNumber(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Sets the major number in the
- setMaxLocals(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.CodeAttribute
- Sets the number of local variables allocated upon method invocation.
- setMaxLocals(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- Sets the number of local variables allocated upon method invocation.
- setMaxStack(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.CodeAttribute
- Sets the maximum depth of this method's operand stack during execution.
- setMaxStack(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- Sets the maximum depth of this method's operand stack during execution.
- setMethodIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.EnclosingMethodAttribute
- If the current class is not immediately enclosed by a method or
constructor, then the value of themethod_index item must be
- setMethodIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.EnclosingMethod
- setMethods(MethodsTable) -
Method in interface jef.disconnection.DisconnectedMethod
- Sets the
instance containing all the extracted methods.
- setMethods(MethodsTable) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultDisconnectedMethod
- Sets the
instance containing all the extracted methods.
- setMethods(MethodsTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Sets the
instance containing all the methods defined by the Java
class represented by the current Dna
- setMethods(Dna, Dna, Dna, int, int) -
Method in class jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer.DnaSimpleMixer
- The new dna instance will have, as methods, the union of xDna's and yDna's methods.
- setMinorMajorNumber(Dna, Dna, Dna) -
Method in class jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer.DnaSimpleMixer
- This method sets the values of the major and minor number for the new
- setMinorNumber(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Sets the class' file minor number in the
- setNameAndTypeIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstField
- The value of the name_and_type_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- setNameAndTypeIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantField
- setNameAndTypeIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantMethod
- setNameIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.Attribute
- Set a valid index into the constant pool table.
- setNameIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.GenericAttribute
- setNameIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- setNameIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableEntry
- The value of the name_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- setNameIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstClass
- Set the value of the name_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- setNameIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstNameAndType
- The value of the name_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- setNameIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantClass
- setNameIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantNameAndType
- setNameIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
- setNameIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructure
- Set a valid index pointing to constant pool table's entry of type ConstantUtf8.
- setOpCode(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
- This method sets the current operation code to the specified byte.
- setOpCode(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.instructions.Instruction
- This method sets the current operation code to the specified byte.
- setOperands(int[]) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
- This method sets the current operation's operand stack.
- setOperands(int[]) -
Method in interface jef.dna.instructions.Instruction
- This method sets the current operation's operand stack.
- setOperandsCountPosticipated(int[], int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
- This method should be implemented by those classes wrapping JVM instructions whose number of
operands is variable.
- setOperandsCountPosticipated(int[], int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LookupSwitch
- This method should be implemented by those classes wrapping JVM instructions whose number of
operands is variable.
- setOperandsCountPosticipated(int[], int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.TableSwitch
- This method should be implemented by those classes wrapping JVM instructions whose number of
operands is variable.
- setOperandsCountPosticipated(int[], int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Wide
- This method should be implemented by those classes wrapping JVM instructions whose number of
operands is variable.
- setOperandsCountPosticipated(int[], int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.instructions.Instruction
- This method should be implemented by those classes wrapping JVM instructions whose number of
operands is variable.
- setOuterClassInfoIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClassesTableEntry
- setOuterClassInfoIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.InnerClassesTableEntry
- If the inner class is not a member, the value of the outer_class_info_index item must be
- setSignatureIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Signature
- setSignatureIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.SignatureAttribute
- The value of thesignature_index item must be a valid index
into the constant_pool table.
- setSourceFileIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SourceFileAttribute
- setSourceFileIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.SourceFileAttribute
- The value of the sourcefile_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- setSrcClassFqn(String) -
Method in interface jef.disconnection.DisconnectedField
- This method sets the FQN of the Java class this structure belonged to.
- setSrcClassFqn(String) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultDisconnectedField
- setSrcCpt(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in interface jef.deepCopier.DeepCopier
- Sets the source
instance, that is the
containing the cp_info
to be copied to the
destination ConstantPoolTable
- setSrcCpt(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.deepCopier.impl.StatefulDeepCopier
- Sets the source
instance, that is the
containing the cp_info
to be copied to the
destination ConstantPoolTable
- setStart(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.util.Range
- Sets the first valid value of the range.
- setStartPc(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry
- Sets the index at which the exception handler begins being active.
- setStartPc(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionTableEntry
- Sets the index at which the exception handler begins being active.
- setStartPc(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableEntry
- setStartPc(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- setStartPc(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LineNumberTableEntry
- The value of the start_pc item must indicate the index into the code array at which the code
for a new line in the original source file begins.
- setStartPc(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableEntry
- The given local variable must have a value at indices into the code array in the interval
[start_pc, start_pc+length], that is, between start_pc and start_pc+length inclusive.
- setStringIndex(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstString
- The value of the string_index item must be a valid index into the constant_pool table.
- setStringIndex(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantString
- setSuperClass(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Set the reference to the constant pool table entry representing the direct superclass of the
class associated with the current
- setSuperClass(Dna, Dna) -
Method in class jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer.DnaSimpleMixer
- setTag(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstantInfo
- Sets the unique tag identifing each Constant Info structure
- setTag(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantAncestor
- setTarget(Object) -
Method in interface jef.dna.util.ChangeListener
- setThis(Dna, Dna) -
Method in class jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer.DnaSimpleMixer
- setThisClass(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- Sets the reference to the constant pool table entry of type
Constant Class Info
representing the current class.
- setValue(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ConstantValueAttribute
- This method sets the
of the current
- setValue(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ConstantValue
- setValue(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstFloat
- The bytes item of the CONSTANT_Float_info structure represents the value of the float
constant in IEEE 754 floating-point single format.
- setValue(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstInteger
- The bytes item of the CONSTANT_Integer_info structure represents the value of the int
- setValue(byte[]) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstUtf8
- The bytes array contains the bytes of the string.
- setValue(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantFloat
- setValue(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantInteger
- setValue(byte[]) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantUtf8
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestorRefsCpt
- Positions to shift.
- SHIFT_8 -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.BCOperations
- Position to shift.
- Signature - Class in jef.dna.attributes.impl
- Signature() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Signature
- Creates a new instance of Signature
- SignatureAttribute - Interface in jef.dna.attributes
- The Signature attribute is an optional fixed-length attribute in the attributes
table of the ClassFile (�4.2), field_info (�4.6) and method_info (�4.7)structures.
- SimpleClassA - Class in jef.test.dummies
- SimpleClassA() -
Constructor for class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassA
- Creates a new instance of SimpleClassA
- SimpleClassB - Class in jef.test.dummies
- SimpleClassB() -
Constructor for class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassB
- Creates a new instance of SimpleClassB
- SimpleClassC - Class in jef.test.dummies
- SimpleClassC() -
Constructor for class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassC
- Creates a new instance of SimpleClassC
- SimpleClassD - Class in jef.test.dummies
- SimpleClassD() -
Constructor for class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassD
- Creates a new instance of SimpleClassD
- SimpleClassD.FirstInnerClass - Class in jef.test.dummies
- SimpleClassD.FirstInnerClass() -
Constructor for class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassD.FirstInnerClass
- SimpleClassD.SecondInnerClass - Class in jef.test.dummies
- SimpleClassD.SecondInnerClass() -
Constructor for class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassD.SecondInnerClass
- SimpleClassE - Class in jef.test.dummies
- SimpleClassE() -
Constructor for class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassE
- Creates a new instance of SimpleClassE
- simpleInterface - Interface in jef.test.dummies.interfaces
- simpleInterfaceImpl_1 - Class in jef.test.dummies.impl
- simpleInterfaceImpl_1() -
Constructor for class jef.test.dummies.impl.simpleInterfaceImpl_1
- simpleInterfaceImpl_2 - Class in jef.test.dummies.impl
- simpleInterfaceImpl_2() -
Constructor for class jef.test.dummies.impl.simpleInterfaceImpl_2
- simpleTask_1() -
Method in class jef.test.dummies.impl.simpleInterfaceImpl_1
- simpleTask_1() -
Method in class jef.test.dummies.impl.simpleInterfaceImpl_2
- simpleTask_1() -
Method in interface jef.test.dummies.interfaces.simpleInterface
- simpleTask_2() -
Method in class jef.test.dummies.impl.simpleInterfaceImpl_1
- simpleTask_2() -
Method in class jef.test.dummies.impl.simpleInterfaceImpl_2
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- SiPush - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which pushes short. - SiPush() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.SiPush
- Creates a new instance of SiPush
- size() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributesTable.AttributesTable
- Returns the number of entries stored by the table
- size() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def.ATable
- Returns the number of entries stored by the table
- size() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- Returns the number of entries stored by the constant pool table
- size() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- Returns the number of entries contained
- size() -
Method in interface jef.dna.fieldsTable.FieldsTable
- Returns the number of entries stored by the table
- size() -
Method in class jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def.FTable
- Returns the number of entries stored by the table
- size() -
Method in class jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def.MTable
- Returns the number of entries stored by the table
- size() -
Method in interface jef.dna.methodsTable.MethodsTable
- Returns the number of entries stored by the table
- sort() -
Method in class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassA
- sortInt(int[], int, int) -
Method in class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassB
- sortInt() -
Method in class jef.test.dummies.SimpleClassB
- SourceDebugExtension - Class in jef.dna.attributes.impl
- SourceDebugExtension() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SourceDebugExtension
- Creates a new instance of SourceDebugExtension
- SourceDebugExtensionAttribute - Interface in jef.dna.attributes
- SourceFileAttribute - Class in jef.dna.attributes.impl
- Class representing a Source File Attribute.
- SourceFileAttribute() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SourceFileAttribute
- Creates a new instance of SourceFileAttribute
- SourceFileAttribute - Interface in jef.dna.attributes
- Class representing a Source File Attribute.
- SourceFileAttributeCorruptedException - Exception in jef.dna.attributes.exceptions
- This exception is thrown whenever some attribute seems to be corrupted in any way.
- SourceFileAttributeCorruptedException() -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.SourceFileAttributeCorruptedException
- Creates a new instance of
without detail
- SourceFileAttributeCorruptedException(String) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.SourceFileAttributeCorruptedException
- Constructs an instance of
with the
specified detail message.
- spawnNewInnerClass(DisconnectedMethod, String) -
Method in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultMethodDisconnector
- srcClassFqn -
Variable in class jef.disconnection.impl.DefaultDisconnectedField
- srcEntity -
Variable in exception jef.dna.exceptions.ValidationExceptionAncestor
Static variable in interface jef.deepCopier.DeepCopierFactory
- A non-sharable
- StatefulDeepCopier - Class in jef.deepCopier.impl
- This class is in charge of copying chains of
s from a source Constant
Pool Table to a destination Constant Pool Table. - StatefulDeepCopier() -
Constructor for class jef.deepCopier.impl.StatefulDeepCopier
- Creates a new instance of StatefulDeepCopier
- SWAP -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Swap - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which swap the top two values on the
operand stack. - Swap() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Swap
- Creates a new instance of Swap
- swapMethods() -
Method in class jef.test.DnaSwapper
- SyntheticAttribute - Class in jef.dna.attributes.impl
- Class representing a Synthetic Attribute.
- SyntheticAttribute() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SyntheticAttribute
- Creates a new instance of SyntheticAttribute
- SyntheticAttribute - Interface in jef.dna.attributes
- Class representing a Synthetic Attribute.
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- TableSwitch - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which accesses jump table by
index and jump. - TableSwitch() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.TableSwitch
- Creates a new instance of TableSwitch
- tag -
Variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantAncestor
- test() -
Method in class jef.test.MethodDisconnectionTest
- toArray() -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
- This method returns the method's bytecode as an array.
- toArray() -
Method in interface jef.dna.instructions.Instruction
- This method returns the method's bytecode as an array.
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.Attribute
- This method writes the attribute to the provided output stream.
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry
- Writes this entry to the given output stream.
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- This method flushes to the given ouput stream all the information related to this object.
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ConstantValue
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.DeprecatedAttribute
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.EnclosingMethod
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionAttr
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionTableEntry
- Writes this entry to the given output stream.
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClasses
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClassesTableEntry
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableAttribute
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableEntry
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableAttribute
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Signature
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SourceDebugExtension
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SourceFileAttribute
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SyntheticAttribute
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.InnerClassesTableEntry
- Serializes the current
to the given
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LineNumberTableEntry
- Writes the line number table entry to the given output stream.
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableEntry
- Serializes the given local variable table entry to the provided output stream.
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributesTable.AttributesTable
- Writes the table to the given output stream.
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def.ATable
- Writes the table to the given output stream.
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstantInfo
- Writes to the given output stream the ConstantInfo object
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantAncestor
- This method does not perform anything.
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantClass
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantDouble
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantField
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantFloat
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantInteger
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantLong
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantMethod
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantNameAndType
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantString
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantUtf8
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.UnusableCPTEntry
- Writes to the given output stream the ConstantInfo object.
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
- Writes the constant pool table to the given output stream.
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
- This method writes the
instance's content to the specified
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.fieldsTable.FieldsTable
- Writes the table to the given output stream.
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def.FTable
- Writes the table to the given output stream.
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.FieldInfo
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.MethodInfo
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructure
- Serialize the
to a stream.
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in class jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def.MTable
- Writes the table to the given output stream.
- toStream(DataOutputStream) -
Method in interface jef.dna.methodsTable.MethodsTable
- Writes the table to the given output stream.
- toString() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantUtf8
- toString() -
Method in class jef.dna.util.Range
- Returns a
representation of the current Range
in the following form: [start, end].
- type -
Variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantAncestor
- type -
Variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantClass
- type -
Variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantDouble
- type -
Variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantField
- type -
Variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantFloat
- type -
Variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantInteger
- type -
Variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantInterfaceMethod
- type -
Variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantLong
- type -
Variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantMethod
- type -
Variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantNameAndType
- type -
Variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantString
- type -
Variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantUtf8
- type -
Variable in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.UnusableCPTEntry
- UnknownConstantPoolTableEntryException - Exception in jef.dna.constantPoolTable.exceptions
- This exception is thrown whenever a given constant pool table entry is not recognized.
- UnknownConstantPoolTableEntryException() -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.constantPoolTable.exceptions.UnknownConstantPoolTableEntryException
- Creates a new instance of
detail message.
- UnknownConstantPoolTableEntryException(String) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.constantPoolTable.exceptions.UnknownConstantPoolTableEntryException
- Constructs an instance of
with the
specified detail message.
- UnknownConstantPoolTableEntryException(int) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.constantPoolTable.exceptions.UnknownConstantPoolTableEntryException
- Constructs an instance of
with the
specified detail message.
- UnknownDeepCopierException - Exception in jef.deepCopier.exceptions
- This exception is thrown whenever the
is required to instantiate
an unknown type of DeepCopier
. - UnknownDeepCopierException() -
Constructor for exception jef.deepCopier.exceptions.UnknownDeepCopierException
- Creates a new instance of UnknownDeepCopierException
- UnknownDeepCopierException(String) -
Constructor for exception jef.deepCopier.exceptions.UnknownDeepCopierException
- Constructor with error message.
- UnknownDeepCopierException(String, byte) -
Constructor for exception jef.deepCopier.exceptions.UnknownDeepCopierException
- Constructor with error message and the type that caused the exception.
- UnknownInfoStructureException - Exception in jef.dna.infoStructures.exceptions
- UnknownInfoStructureException() -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.infoStructures.exceptions.UnknownInfoStructureException
- Creates a new instance of
without detail
- UnknownInfoStructureException(String) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.infoStructures.exceptions.UnknownInfoStructureException
- Constructs an instance of
with the specified
detail message.
- UnknownOpCodeException - Exception in jef.dna.instructions.exceptions
- This exception is thrown whenever an unknown opCode is specified by the user or when it is read
from a stream representing the Java class
- UnknownOpCodeException() -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.instructions.exceptions.UnknownOpCodeException
- Creates a new instance of
without detail message.
- UnknownOpCodeException(String) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.instructions.exceptions.UnknownOpCodeException
- Constructs an instance of
with the specified detail message.
- UnsupportedAttributeException - Exception in jef.dna.attributes.exceptions
- Exception thrown when an unsupported attribute is found scanning the input file.
- UnsupportedAttributeException() -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.UnsupportedAttributeException
- Creates a new instance of
without detail
- UnsupportedAttributeException(String) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.attributes.exceptions.UnsupportedAttributeException
- Constructs an instance of
with the specified
detail message.
- UnusableCPTEntry - Class in jef.dna.constantInfo.impl
- Default implementation of the
interface. - UnusableCPTEntry() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.UnusableCPTEntry
- Creates a new instance of UnusableCPTEntry
- UnusableEntry - Interface in jef.dna.constantInfo
- This interface defines the methods every class designed for representing constant pool table's
unusable entries has to expose.
- updateConstantClassInfoRefs(ConstantPoolTable, String, String) -
Method in class jef.injection.impl.DefaultInjector
- This method reorganizes the given constant pool table in a way that all the Constant Class
Info structures pointing to a Constant UTF8 entry having a value equal to
will point to the constant pool table entry specified by the third input parameter newFqnIndx
- updateConstantClassInfoRefs(ConstantPoolTable, String, int) -
Method in class jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer.DnaSimpleMixer
- This method reorganizes the given constant pool table in a way that all the Constant Class
Info structures pointing to a Constant UTF8 entry having a value equal to
will point to the constant pool table entry specified by the third input parameter newFqnIndx
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.Attribute
- This method updates all the references pointing to constant pool table's entries this
attributes holds.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry
- Updates all the reference to the constant pool table
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
- This method updates all the references that the current attribute holds to the constant pool
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ConstantValue
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.DeprecatedAttribute
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.EnclosingMethod
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionAttr
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionTableEntry
- Updates all the reference to the constant pool table
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.GenericAttribute
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClasses
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClassesTableEntry
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableAttribute
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableAttribute
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Signature
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SourceDebugExtension
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SourceFileAttribute
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.SyntheticAttribute
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.InnerClassesTableEntry
- Updates all the references to constant pool table entries by the given offset.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableEntry
- Updates all the references to entries into the constant pool table by the given offset
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstantInfo
- Update all the references to entries in the constant pool table by adding the specified
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantAncestor
- This method does not perform anything.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantClass
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantField
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantMethod
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantNameAndType
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantString
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructure
- This method reorganizes all the references to constant pool table entries
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.AALoad
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.AAStore
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.AConst_Null
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ALoad
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ALoad_0
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ALoad_1
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ALoad_2
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ALoad_3
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.AReturn
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ArrayLength
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.AStore
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.AStore_0
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.AStore_1
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.AStore_2
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.AStore_3
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.AThrow
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.BALoad
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.BAStore
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.BiPush
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.CALoad
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.CAStore
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.D2f
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.D2i
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.D2l
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DAdd
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DALoad
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DAStore
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DCmpg
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DCmpl
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DConst_0
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DConst_1
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DDiv
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DLoad
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DLoad_0
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DLoad_1
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DLoad_2
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DLoad_3
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DMul
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DNeg
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DRem
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DReturn
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DStore
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DStore_0
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DStore_1
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DStore_2
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DStore_3
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.DSub
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Dup
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Dup2
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Dup2_X1
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Dup2_X2
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Dup_X1
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Dup_X2
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.F2d
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.F2i
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.F2l
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FAdd
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FALoad
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FAStore
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FCmpg
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FCmpl
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FConst_0
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FConst_1
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FConst_2
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FDiv
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FLoad
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FLoad_0
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FLoad_1
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FLoad_2
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FLoad_3
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FMul
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FNeg
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FRem
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FReturn
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FStore
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FStore_0
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FStore_1
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FStore_2
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FStore_3
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.FSub
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Goto
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Goto_W
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.I2b
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.I2c
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.I2d
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.I2f
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.I2l
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.I2s
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IAdd
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IALoad
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IAnd
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IAStore
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IConst_0
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IConst_1
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IConst_2
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IConst_3
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IConst_4
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IConst_5
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IConst_M1
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IDiv
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.If_ACmpEq
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.If_ACmpNe
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IF_ICmpeq
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IF_ICmpge
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IF_ICmpgt
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IF_ICmple
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IF_ICmplt
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IF_ICmpne
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Ifeq
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IfNoNull
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IfNull
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IInc
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ILoad
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ILoad_0
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ILoad_1
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ILoad_2
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ILoad_3
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IMul
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.INeg
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestorRefsCpt
- This method implements the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IOr
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IRem
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IReturn
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IShl
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IShr
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IStore
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IStore_0
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IStore_1
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IStore_2
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IStore_3
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.ISub
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Iushr
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.IXOr
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Jsr
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Jsr_W
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.L2d
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.L2f
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.L2i
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LAdd
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LALoad
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LAnd
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LAStore
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Lcmp
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LConst_0
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LConst_1
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LDiv
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LLoad
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LLoad_0
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LLoad_1
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LLoad_2
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LLoad_3
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LMul
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LNeg
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LookupSwitch
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LOr
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LRem
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LReturn
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LShl
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LShr
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LStore
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LStore_0
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LStore_1
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LStore_2
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LStore_3
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LSub
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Lushr
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.LXOr
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.MonitorEnter
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.MonitorExit
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.NewArray
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Nop
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Pop
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Pop2
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Ret
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Return
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.SALoad
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.SAStore
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.SiPush
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Swap
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.TableSwitch
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Wide
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- updateRefs(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.instructions.Instruction
- This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool
table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
- validate() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.Attribute
- This method has to perform a validation process over the
to what specified by the JVM Official Specification.
- validate() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.ExceptionTableEntry
- This method has to perform a validation process over the
according to what specified by the JVM Official Specification.
- validate() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionTableEntry
- validate() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.GenericAttribute
- This method has to perform a validation process over the
to what specified by the JVM Official Specification.
- validate() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.InnerClassesTableEntry
- validate() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LineNumberTableEntry
- validate() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
- validate() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.InnerClassesTableEntry
- Perform validation over the
- validate() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LineNumberTableEntry
- Performs the validation of the current
validate() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.LocalVariableTableEntry
Perform validation over the current LocalVariableTableEntry
validate() -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributesTable.AttributesTable
Validates all the AttributesTable
validate() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def.ATable
validate() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantInfo.ConstantInfo
This method has to perform a validation process over the ConstantInfo
according to what specified by the JVM Official Specification.
validate() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantAncestor
This method has to perform a validation process over the ConstantInfo
according to what specified by the JVM Official Specification.
validate() -
Method in interface jef.dna.constantPoolTable.ConstantPoolTable
This method validates the current Constant Pool Table along with its entries.
validate() -
Method in class jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl.CPTable
validate() -
Method in class jef.dna.Dna
This method launches the validation process over the current Dna
validate() -
Method in interface jef.dna.fieldsTable.FieldsTable
This method performs the validation over all the FieldsTable
validate() -
Method in class jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def.FTable
validate() -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
This method has to perform a validation process over the FieldInfo
to what specified by the JVM Official Specification.
validate() -
Method in interface jef.dna.infoStructures.InfoStructure
This method has to perform a validation process over the FieldInfo
to what specified by the JVM Official Specification.
validate() -
Method in class jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def.MTable
validate() -
Method in interface jef.dna.methodsTable.MethodsTable
Perform the validation process over each MethodsTable
validateAccessFlags(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.FieldInfo
validateAccessFlags(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
validateAccessFlags(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.MethodInfo
validateAttributeCount(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
validateAttributes(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
validateClassIndex(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantField
validateClassIndex(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantMethod
validateDescriptorIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
validateDescriptorIndex(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
validateIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
validateLength() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
validateNameAndTypeIndex(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantField
validateNameAndTypeIndex(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantMethod
validateNameIndex(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.GenericAttribute
validateNameIndex() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
validateNameIndex(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.infoStructures.impl.InfoStructureAncestor
validateRefIntoCode(int) -
Method in interface jef.dna.attributes.CodeAttribute
Test whether the ref
index refers to a valid opcode within the code array or
validateRefIntoCode(int) -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.Code
This method verifies that the given reference is a valid reference to one of the bytecode
instructions contained within this Code
validateStartPc() -
Method in class jef.dna.attributes.impl.LocalVariableTableEntry
validateStringIndex(ConstantPoolTable) -
Method in class jef.dna.constantInfo.impl.ConstantString
ValidationExceptionAncestor - Exception in jef.dna.exceptions
Ancestor class gathering all the methods common to every more specialized validation exception
ValidationExceptionAncestor(Object, String, Object, Object, String) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.exceptions.ValidationExceptionAncestor
Creates a new instance of ValidationExceptionAncestor
without detail message.
ValidationExceptionHelper - Class in jef.dna.util
This helper class is available starting from every ValidationExceptionAncestor
instance, and is meant for abstracting the developer from all the reflection releted programming
issues necessary for dealing with such exception instances.
ValidationExceptionHelper() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.util.ValidationExceptionHelper
Creates a new instance of ValidationExceptionHelper
ValidationExceptionHelperTest - Class in jef.dna.util
Test class to check the correctness of the generic methods of the
ValidationExceptionHelperTest() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.util.ValidationExceptionHelperTest
Creates a new instance of Test
valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum jef.disconnection.DisconnectedStructuresFactory.DisconnectedStructureType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum jef.disconnection.DisconnectorsFactory.DisconnectorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum jef.dna.attributes.AttributeTypes
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() -
Static method in enum jef.disconnection.DisconnectedStructuresFactory.DisconnectedStructureType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they're declared.
values() -
Static method in enum jef.disconnection.DisconnectorsFactory.DisconnectorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they're declared.
values() -
Static method in enum jef.dna.attributes.AttributeTypes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they're declared.
- WIDE -
Static variable in class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionFactory
- Wide - Class in jef.dna.instructions.impl
- This class maps the
bytecode instruction which extends local variable index
by additional bytes. - Wide() -
Constructor for class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Wide
- Creates a new instance of Wide
- write(Dna) -
Method in class jef.dna.DnaWriter
- Write a valid
instance to the formerly specified output file.
- write(String, String, Dna) -
Static method in class jef.dna.DnaWriter
- WrongMagicNumberException - Exception in jef.dna.exceptions
- WrongMagicNumberException() -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.exceptions.WrongMagicNumberException
- Creates a new instance of
without detail message.
- WrongMagicNumberException(String) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.exceptions.WrongMagicNumberException
- Constructs an instance of
with the specified detail
- WrongReferenceInConstantPoolTableException - Exception in jef.dna.constantPoolTable.exceptions
- WrongReferenceInConstantPoolTableException() -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.constantPoolTable.exceptions.WrongReferenceInConstantPoolTableException
- Creates a new instance of
detail message.
- WrongReferenceInConstantPoolTableException(String) -
Constructor for exception jef.dna.constantPoolTable.exceptions.WrongReferenceInConstantPoolTableException
- Constructs an instance of
with the
specified detail message.
All Classes