Class Dup

  extended by jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
      extended by jef.dna.instructions.impl.Dup
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, Instruction, BytesCountable

public class Dup
extends InstructionAncestor

This class maps the DUP bytecode instruction which duplicates the value found at the top of the operand stack, and pushes the copy of the top of it: as a result at the top of the operans stack there will be two equal doubles.

Francesco Russo (

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
logger, opCode, operands, operandsCount
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new instance of Dup
Method Summary
 int updateRefs(int offset)
          This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.
Methods inherited from class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
clone, fromArray, getBytesCount, getOpCode, getOperands, getOperandsCount, setOpCode, setOperands, setOperandsCountPosticipated, toArray
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Dup()
Creates a new instance of Dup

Method Detail


public int updateRefs(int offset)
This method must implement the logic necessary to update all the references to constant pool table's entries contained within the bytecode instruction.

Specified by:
updateRefs in interface Instruction
updateRefs in class InstructionAncestor
offset - The offset used for updating expressed as number of cpt's entries to be skipped
int The number of processed words within the current bytecode instruction