Interface BytesCountable

All Known Subinterfaces:
Attribute, CodeAttribute, ConstantValueAttribute, DeprecatedAttribute, EnclosingMethodAttribute, ExceptionAttribute, ExceptionsAttribute, ExceptionTableEntry, InnerClassesAttribute, InnerClassesTableEntry, Instruction, InstructionRefsCpt, LineNumberTableAttribute, LineNumberTableEntry, LocalVariableTableAttribute, LocalVariableTableEntry, SignatureAttribute, SourceDebugExtensionAttribute, SourceFileAttribute, SyntheticAttribute
All Known Implementing Classes:
AALoad, AAStore, AConst_Null, ALoad, ALoad_0, ALoad_1, ALoad_2, ALoad_3, ANewArray, AReturn, ArrayLength, AStore, AStore_0, AStore_1, AStore_2, AStore_3, AThrow, BALoad, BAStore, BiPush, CALoad, CAStore, CheckCast, Code, ConstantValue, D2f, D2i, D2l, DAdd, DALoad, DAStore, DCmpg, DCmpl, DConst_0, DConst_1, DDiv, DeprecatedAttribute, DLoad, DLoad_0, DLoad_1, DLoad_2, DLoad_3, DMul, DNeg, DRem, DReturn, DStore, DStore_0, DStore_1, DStore_2, DStore_3, DSub, Dup, Dup_X1, Dup_X2, Dup2, Dup2_X1, Dup2_X2, EnclosingMethod, ExceptionAttr, ExceptionTableEntry, F2d, F2i, F2l, FAdd, FALoad, FAStore, FCmpg, FCmpl, FConst_0, FConst_1, FConst_2, FDiv, FLoad, FLoad_0, FLoad_1, FLoad_2, FLoad_3, FMul, FNeg, FRem, FReturn, FStore, FStore_0, FStore_1, FStore_2, FStore_3, FSub, GenericAttribute, GetField, GetStatic, Goto, Goto_W, I2b, I2c, I2d, I2f, I2l, I2s, IAdd, IALoad, IAnd, IAStore, IConst_0, IConst_1, IConst_2, IConst_3, IConst_4, IConst_5, IConst_M1, IDiv, If_ACmpEq, If_ACmpNe, IF_ICmpeq, IF_ICmpge, IF_ICmpgt, IF_ICmple, IF_ICmplt, IF_ICmpne, Ifeq, Ifge, Ifgt, Ifle, Iflt, Ifne, IfNoNull, IfNull, IInc, ILoad, ILoad_0, ILoad_1, ILoad_2, ILoad_3, IMul, INeg, InnerClasses, InnerClassesTableEntry, InstanceOf, InstructionAncestor, InstructionAncestorRefsCpt, InstructionRefsCpt16, InstructionRefsCpt8, InvokeInterface, InvokeSpecial, InvokeStatic, InvokeVirtual, IOr, IRem, IReturn, IShl, IShr, IStore, IStore_0, IStore_1, IStore_2, IStore_3, ISub, Iushr, IXOr, Jsr, Jsr_W, L2d, L2f, L2i, LAdd, LALoad, LAnd, LAStore, Lcmp, LConst_0, LConst_1, Ldc, Ldc_W, Ldc2_W, LDiv, LineNumberTableAttribute, LineNumberTableEntry, LLoad, LLoad_0, LLoad_1, LLoad_2, LLoad_3, LMul, LNeg, LocalVariableTableAttribute, LocalVariableTableEntry, LookupSwitch, LOr, LRem, LReturn, LShl, LShr, LStore, LStore_0, LStore_1, LStore_2, LStore_3, LSub, Lushr, LXOr, MonitorEnter, MonitorExit, MultiANewArray, New, NewArray, Nop, Pop, Pop2, PutField, PutStatic, Ret, Return, SALoad, SAStore, Signature, SiPush, SourceDebugExtension, SourceFileAttribute, Swap, SyntheticAttribute, TableSwitch, Wide

public interface BytesCountable

Francesco Russo (

Method Summary
 int getBytesCount()
          This method must return the overall number of bytes required by the component implementing this interface.

Method Detail


int getBytesCount()
This method must return the overall number of bytes required by the component implementing this interface.