Interface DeprecatedAttribute
- All Superinterfaces:
- Attribute, BytesCountable, java.lang.Cloneable
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- DeprecatedAttribute
public interface DeprecatedAttribute
- extends Attribute
Class representing a Deprecated Attribute. The Deprecated attribute is an optional fixed-length
attribute in the attributes table of ClassFile, field_info, and method_info structures. A class,
interface, method, or field may be marked using a Deprecated attribute to indicate that the
class, interface, method, or field has been superseded. A runtime interpreter or tool that reads
the class file format, such as a compiler, can use this marking to advise the user that a
superseded class, interface, method, or field is being referred to. The presence of a Deprecated
attribute does not alter the semantics of a class or interface.
- Author:
- Francesco Russo