Class ExceptionTableEntry

  extended by jef.dna.attributes.impl.ExceptionTableEntry
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, ExceptionTableEntry, BytesCountable

public class ExceptionTableEntry
extends java.lang.Object
implements ExceptionTableEntry

Class representing an ExceptionTable generic entry. These entries describe the exception handlers behaviour in the code array of a Code attribute. An entry is made up of four elements: start_pc, end_pc, handler_pc, catch_type. These entries are stored within a Code attribute ExceptionTable.

Francesco Russo (

Field Summary
protected static Logger logger
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object clone()
          The clone() method will return a new instance whose reference to the containing CodeAttribute is not modified.
 void fromStream( dis)
          Reads the entry from the given inputstream.
 CodeAttribute getAttributeContainer()
          Get the reference to the CodeAttribute this ExceptionTableEntry is held by.
 int getBytesCount()
          This method must return the overall number of bytes required by the component implementing this interface.
 int getCatchType()
          If the value of type is non zero, it must refer to an entry of the constant pool table of type ConstantClass (ConstantClassInfo).
 int getEndPc()
          Gets the index at which the exception handler becomes inactive.
 int getHandlerPc()
          Gets the start of the exception handler.
 int getStartPc()
          Gets the index at which the exception handler begins being active.
 void setAttributeContainer(CodeAttribute attribute)
          Set the reference to the CodeAttribute this ExceptionTableEntry is held by.
 void setCatchType(int type)
          If the value of type is non zero, it must refer to an entry of the constant pool table of type ConstantClass (ConstantClassInfo).
 void setEndPc(int end)
          Sets the index at which the exception handler becomes inactive.
 void setHandlerPc(int handler)
          Sets the start of the exception handler.
 void setStartPc(int start)
          Sets the index at which the exception handler begins being active.
 void toStream( dos)
          Writes this entry to the given output stream.
 void updateRefs(int offset)
          Updates all the reference to the constant pool table
 boolean validate()
          This method has to perform a validation process over the ExceptionTableEntry according to what specified by the JVM Official Specification.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static Logger logger
Constructor Detail


public ExceptionTableEntry()
Constructor. It requires no parameters since all the attributes are populated calling the fromStream method. Appropriate getters and setters are provided as well.

Method Detail


public void setStartPc(int start)
Sets the index at which the exception handler begins being active. This value has to be a valid index into the code array of Code attribute instance.

Specified by:
setStartPc in interface ExceptionTableEntry
start - The index at which the exc. handler becomes active


public int getStartPc()
Gets the index at which the exception handler begins being active. This value has to be a valid index into the code array of Code attribute instance.

Specified by:
getStartPc in interface ExceptionTableEntry
int The index at which the exc. handler becomes active


public void setEndPc(int end)
Sets the index at which the exception handler becomes inactive. This value has to be a valid index into the code array of Code attribute instance.

Specified by:
setEndPc in interface ExceptionTableEntry
end - The index at which the exc. handler gets deactivated


public int getEndPc()
Gets the index at which the exception handler becomes inactive. This value has to be a valid index into the code array of Code attribute instance.

Specified by:
getEndPc in interface ExceptionTableEntry
int The index at which the exc. handler gets deactivated


public void setHandlerPc(int handler)
Sets the start of the exception handler. This value has to be a valid index into the code array of Code attribute instance.

Specified by:
setHandlerPc in interface ExceptionTableEntry
handler - The start of the exception handler


public int getHandlerPc()
Gets the start of the exception handler. This value has to be a valid index into the code array of Code attribute instance.

Specified by:
getHandlerPc in interface ExceptionTableEntry
int The start of the exception handler


public void setCatchType(int type)
If the value of type is non zero, it must refer to an entry of the constant pool table of type ConstantClass (ConstantClassInfo).

Specified by:
setCatchType in interface ExceptionTableEntry
type - Valid index into the constant pool table


public int getCatchType()
If the value of type is non zero, it must refer to an entry of the constant pool table of type ConstantClass (ConstantClassInfo).

Specified by:
getCatchType in interface ExceptionTableEntry
int Valid index into the constant pool table


public void setAttributeContainer(CodeAttribute attribute)
Description copied from interface: ExceptionTableEntry
Set the reference to the CodeAttribute this ExceptionTableEntry is held by.

Specified by:
setAttributeContainer in interface ExceptionTableEntry
attribute - The CodeAttribute container


public CodeAttribute getAttributeContainer()
Description copied from interface: ExceptionTableEntry
Get the reference to the CodeAttribute this ExceptionTableEntry is held by.

Specified by:
getAttributeContainer in interface ExceptionTableEntry
CodeAttribute The CodeAttribute container


public void toStream( dos)
Writes this entry to the given output stream.

Specified by:
toStream in interface ExceptionTableEntry
dos - Output stream to write the entry to
Throws: - Thrown should something go wrong with the provided output stream


public void fromStream( dis)
Reads the entry from the given inputstream.

Specified by:
fromStream in interface ExceptionTableEntry
dis - Input stream to read the entry from
Throws: - Thrown should something go wrong with the provided input stream


public void updateRefs(int offset)
Updates all the reference to the constant pool table

Specified by:
updateRefs in interface ExceptionTableEntry
offset - The offset to be applied


public boolean validate()
                 throws ExceptionTableEntryValidationException,
Description copied from interface: ExceptionTableEntry
This method has to perform a validation process over the ExceptionTableEntry according to what specified by the JVM Official Specification.

Specified by:
validate in interface ExceptionTableEntry
boolean The validation outcome
ExceptionTableEntryValidationException - The validation failed
MissingDnaContainerException - Is missing the reference to the Dna instance this ExceptionTableEntry belongs to
MissingAttributeContainerException - Is missing the reference to the Attribute this ExceptionTableEntry belongs to
MissingCPTableException - Cannot access the constant pool table


public java.lang.Object clone()
                       throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
The clone() method will return a new instance whose reference to the containing CodeAttribute is not modified.

Specified by:
clone in interface ExceptionTableEntry
clone in class java.lang.Object


public int getBytesCount()
Description copied from interface: BytesCountable
This method must return the overall number of bytes required by the component implementing this interface.

Specified by:
getBytesCount in interface BytesCountable