Package jef.dna.attributes.impl

Class Summary
AttributeFactory Implementation class of the AttribFactory interface.
Code The Code class represents a Code Attribute as defined by the JVM Class file Specification.
DeprecatedAttribute Class representing a Deprecated Attribute.
ExceptionAttr Class representing an Exception Attribute.
ExceptionTableEntry Class representing an ExceptionTable generic entry.
GenericAttribute Ancestor class for every Attribute class.
InnerClasses Class representing an Inner Classes Attribute.
InnerClassesTableEntry Class representing an Inner Classes instance's table entry.
LineNumberTableAttribute Class representing a Line Number Table Attribute.
LineNumberTableEntry Class representing a Line Number Table instance's entry.
LocalVariableTableAttribute Class representing a Local Variable Table Attribute.
LocalVariableTableEntry Class representing a Local Variable instance's table entry.
SourceFileAttribute Class representing a Source File Attribute.
SyntheticAttribute Class representing a Synthetic Attribute.