Class Ifne

  extended by jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
      extended by jef.dna.instructions.impl.Ifeq
          extended by jef.dna.instructions.impl.Ifne
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, Instruction, BytesCountable

public class Ifne
extends Ifeq

This class maps the IFNE bytecode instruction which branches to the offset obtained starting from the two required operands, if and only if the value popped from the operand stack does not equal 0. This value has to be of type int and the comparison is an int comparison.

Francesco Russo (

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
logger, opCode, operands, operandsCount
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new instance of Ifne
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class jef.dna.instructions.impl.Ifeq
Methods inherited from class jef.dna.instructions.impl.InstructionAncestor
clone, fromArray, getBytesCount, getOpCode, getOperands, getOperandsCount, setOpCode, setOperands, setOperandsCountPosticipated, toArray
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Ifne()
Creates a new instance of Ifne