Interface FieldDisconnector

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public interface FieldDisconnector
extends Disconnector

This interface defines the contract every concrete class responsible of extracting a field's definition from a Java class has to adhere to.


Method Summary
 void extract(FieldInfoStructure fieldInfo, DisconnectedField disconnectedField, DeepCopier deepCopier)
          This method copies into the disconnectField instance provided as parameter the fieldInfo object.

Method Detail


void extract(FieldInfoStructure fieldInfo,
             DisconnectedField disconnectedField,
             DeepCopier deepCopier)
             throws DisconnectionFailedException
This method copies into the disconnectField instance provided as parameter the fieldInfo object. Actually this is a real copy, that is the source fieldInfo gets cloned and all its references to cp_infos entries are correctly updated.
What this means is that the copy of a field from a source Dna to a target DisconnectField data structure entails a deep copy of all the referenced cp_infos. This is a required step to bring into the target DisconnectedField all the other information on which the field definition is based.

Note: if using a stateful deep copier it is fundamental to perform all the deep copy invocations by means of the same DeepCopier instance.

fieldInfo - The reference to the field to be copied into the target disconnectMethod
disconnectField - The target DisconnectedField instance in which the disconnected method will be stored for a subsequent injection
deepCopier - The DeepCopier instance needed to perform the deep copy operation