Package jef.dna.exceptions

Exception Summary
DnaDeserializationException This exception is thrown is something goes wrong when deserializing a Dna instance from a stream.
DnaSerializationException This exception is thrown whenever something goes wrong when serializing a Dna instance to the output stream.
DnaValidationException This exception is thrown whenever the validation process fails over a Dna instance.
IndexOutOfRangeException This exception is thrown when someone tries to access a list similar data structure, specifying an invalid index.
MissingCPTableException This exception is thrown whenever a ConstantPoolTable cannot be retrieved from a Dna instance.
MissingDnaContainerException This exception is thrown whenever one of the building entities of a Dna instance (constantInfo, infoStructures, or attributes) realizes that is missing the required reference to its own Dna container.
ValidationExceptionAncestor Ancestor class gathering all the methods common to every more specialized validation exception class.