Uses of Class

Packages that use UnknownConstantPoolTableEntryException

Uses of UnknownConstantPoolTableEntryException in jef.dna.constantInfo

Methods in jef.dna.constantInfo that throw UnknownConstantPoolTableEntryException
 ConstantInfo ConstInfoFactory.getInstance( dis)
          This method returns a velid constantInfo instance iff the provided input stream contains at the current position a legal constantInfo identifier (or tag), followed by all the necessary information as defined by the Java VM Specification chapter 4.
 ConstantInfo ConstInfoFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna)
          This method returns a velid constantInfo instance iff the provided input stream contains at the current position a legal constantInfo identifier (or tag), followed by all the necessary information as defined by the Java VM Specification chapter 4.
 ConstantInfo ConstInfoFactory.getInstance(int tag)
          The returned instance belongs to the type defined by the provided tag.
 ConstantInfo ConstInfoFactory.getInstance(int tag, dis)
          The returned instance belongs to the type defined by the provided tag.

Uses of UnknownConstantPoolTableEntryException in jef.dna.constantInfo.impl

Methods in jef.dna.constantInfo.impl that throw UnknownConstantPoolTableEntryException
 ConstantInfo ConstantInfoFactory.getInstance( dis)
 ConstantInfo ConstantInfoFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna)
 ConstantInfo ConstantInfoFactory.getInstance(int tag)
          This method returns ConstantInfo compliant objects.
 ConstantInfo ConstantInfoFactory.getInstance(int tag, dis)
          This method returns ConstantInfo compliant objects.