Uses of Class

Packages that use WrongReferenceInConstantPoolTableException

Uses of WrongReferenceInConstantPoolTableException in jef.dna

Methods in jef.dna that throw WrongReferenceInConstantPoolTableException
 java.lang.String Dna.getFqnAsString(int index)
          This method returns the FQN of the class associated with the given Dna instance.
 int Dna.getFqnReference()
          This method returns the index of the constant pool table's entry containig the constant UTF8 info storing the current Dna instance's FQN.

Uses of WrongReferenceInConstantPoolTableException in jef.injection.impl

Methods in jef.injection.impl that throw WrongReferenceInConstantPoolTableException
protected  void DefaultInjector.processInnerClasses(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,Dna> innerClasses, java.lang.String newFqn)
protected  void DefaultInjector.updateConstantClassInfoRefs(ConstantPoolTable cpt, java.lang.String fqClassName, java.lang.String newFqn)
          This method reorganizes the given constant pool table in a way that all the Constant Class Info structures pointing to a Constant UTF8 entry having a value equal to fqClassName, will point to the constant pool table entry specified by the third input parameter newFqnIndx.

Uses of WrongReferenceInConstantPoolTableException in jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer

Methods in jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer that throw WrongReferenceInConstantPoolTableException
protected  int DnaSimpleMixer.findThisClassType(Dna dna, int thisIndex)
          This method returns the index of the constant pool table entry containing the ConstantUTF8 structure representing the type of the class associated with the Dna parameter.
protected  void DnaSimpleMixer.updateConstantClassInfoRefs(ConstantPoolTable cpt, java.lang.String fqClassName, int newFqnIndx)
          This method reorganizes the given constant pool table in a way that all the Constant Class Info structures pointing to a Constant UTF8 entry having a value equal to , will point to the constant pool table entry specified by the third input parameter newFqnIndx.

Uses of WrongReferenceInConstantPoolTableException in jef.test

Methods in jef.test that throw WrongReferenceInConstantPoolTableException
static void MethodDisconnectionTest.main(java.lang.String[] args)
 void MethodDisconnectionTest.test()