Uses of Class

Packages that use InstructionRefsCpt16

Uses of InstructionRefsCpt16 in jef.dna.instructions.impl

Subclasses of InstructionRefsCpt16 in jef.dna.instructions.impl
 class ANewArray
          This class maps the ANEWARRAY bytecode instruction.
 class CheckCast
          This class maps the CHECKCAST bytecode instruction which checks whether the object referenced by the reference on the top of the stack can be casted to the type represented by the constant pool table entry at index indexbyte1<<8|indexbyte2.
 class GetField
          This class maps the GETFIELD bytecode instruction which fetches field from object.
 class GetStatic
          This class maps the GETSTATIC bytecode instruction which gets static field from class.
 class InstanceOf
          This class maps the INSTANCEPF bytecode instruction which determines if the object references by the address popped from the operand stack is of the type given by the entry of the runtime constantpool addressed by the two bytes required as parameter for this instruction.
 class InvokeInterface
          This class maps the INVOKEINTERFACE bytecode instruction which invokes an interface method.
 class InvokeSpecial
          This class maps the INVOKESPECIAL bytecode instruction which invokes instance initialization, private and super class methods.
 class InvokeStatic
          This class maps the INVOKESTATIC bytecode instruction which invokes static methods.
 class InvokeVirtual
          This class maps the INVOKEVIRTUAL bytecode instruction which invokes instance methods.
 class Ldc_W
          This class maps the LDC_W bytecode instruction which pushes into the operand stack a value taken from the runtime constant pool of the current class at the index specified by the two arguments of the LDC instruction.
 class Ldc2_W
          This class maps the LDC_2W bytecode instruction which pushes into the operand stack a long or double taken from the runtime constant pool of the current class at the index specified by the two arguments of the LDC instruction.
 class MultiANewArray
          This class maps the MULTIANEWARRAY bytecode instruction which creates new multidimensional array.
 class New
          This class maps the NEW bytecode instruction which is used to instantiate a new object.
 class PutField
          This class maps the PUTFIELD bytecode instruction which set field in object.
 class PutStatic
          This class maps the PUTSTATIC bytecode instruction which set static field in class.