Uses of Interface

Packages that use MethodsTable

Uses of MethodsTable in jef.disconnection

Methods in jef.disconnection that return MethodsTable
 MethodsTable DisconnectedMethod.getMethods()
          Gets the MethodsTable instance containing all the extracted methods.

Methods in jef.disconnection with parameters of type MethodsTable
 void DisconnectedMethod.setMethods(MethodsTable mt)
          Sets the MethodsTable instance containing all the extracted methods.

Uses of MethodsTable in jef.disconnection.impl

Methods in jef.disconnection.impl that return MethodsTable
 MethodsTable DefaultDisconnectedMethod.getMethods()
          Gets the MethodsTable instance containing all the extracted methods.

Methods in jef.disconnection.impl with parameters of type MethodsTable
 void DefaultDisconnectedMethod.setMethods(MethodsTable mt)
          Sets the MethodsTable instance containing all the extracted methods.

Uses of MethodsTable in jef.dna

Methods in jef.dna that return MethodsTable
 MethodsTable Dna.getMethods()
          Returns the MethodsTable instance containing all the methods declared by the Java class represented by the current Dna instance.

Methods in jef.dna with parameters of type MethodsTable
 void Dna.setMethods(MethodsTable methods)
          Sets the MethodsTable instance containing all the methods defined by the Java class represented by the current Dna instance.

Uses of MethodsTable in jef.dna.methodsTable

Methods in jef.dna.methodsTable that return MethodsTable
 MethodsTable MethodsTableFactory.getInstance()
          Returns an empty instance of the MethodsTable interface
 MethodsTable MethodsTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int methodsCount)
          Returns a populated instance of the MethodsTable interface

Methods in jef.dna.methodsTable with parameters of type MethodsTable
 void MethodsTable.addAll(MethodsTable ft)
          Appends the given MethodsTable to the current one.

Uses of MethodsTable in jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def

Classes in jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def that implement MethodsTable
 class MTable
          This is the default implementation of the MethodsTable interface.

Methods in jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def that return MethodsTable
 MethodsTable MTableFactory.getInstance()
          Returns an empty instance of the MethodsTable interface
 MethodsTable MTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int mc)
          Returns a populated instance of the MethodsTable interface

Methods in jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def with parameters of type MethodsTable
 void MTable.addAll(MethodsTable mt)
          Appends the given MethodsTable to the current one.