Uses of Interface

Packages that use DeepCopier

Uses of DeepCopier in jef.deepCopier

Methods in jef.deepCopier that return DeepCopier
 DeepCopier DeepCopierFactory.getInstance(byte type)
          Returns an instance of a concrete DeepCopier implementation.

Uses of DeepCopier in jef.deepCopier.impl

Classes in jef.deepCopier.impl that implement DeepCopier
 class StatefulDeepCopier
          This class is in charge of copying chains of cp_infos from a source Constant Pool Table to a destination Constant Pool Table.

Methods in jef.deepCopier.impl that return DeepCopier
 DeepCopier DCFactory.getInstance(byte type)
          Returns an instance of a concrete DeepCopier implementation.

Uses of DeepCopier in jef.disconnection

Methods in jef.disconnection with parameters of type DeepCopier
 void FieldDisconnector.extract(FieldInfoStructure fieldInfo, DisconnectedField disconnectedField, DeepCopier deepCopier)
          This method copies into the disconnectField instance provided as parameter the fieldInfo object.

Uses of DeepCopier in jef.disconnection.impl

Methods in jef.disconnection.impl with parameters of type DeepCopier
 void DefaultFieldDisconnector.extract(FieldInfoStructure fieldInfo, DisconnectedField disconnectedField, DeepCopier deepCopier)
          This method copies into the disconnectField instance provided as parameter the fieldInfo object.