Uses of Class

Packages that use Dna

Uses of Dna in jef.disconnection

Methods in jef.disconnection that return types with arguments of type Dna
 java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,Dna> DisconnectedField.getInnerClasses()
          Returns the map of inner Dnas indexed by their fully qualified class names.

Methods in jef.disconnection with parameters of type Dna
 void DisconnectedField.addInnerClass(java.lang.String fqn, Dna innerDna)
          This method adds a new inner Dna to the disconnected data-structure.
 void MethodDisconnector.extract(MethodInfoStructure methodInfo, Dna srcDna, DisconnectedMethod disconnectedMethod)
          This method copies into the disconnectMethod instance provided as parameter the methodInfo object.

Uses of Dna in jef.disconnection.impl

Fields in jef.disconnection.impl with type parameters of type Dna
protected  java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,Dna> DefaultDisconnectedField.innerClasses

Methods in jef.disconnection.impl that return types with arguments of type Dna
 java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,Dna> DefaultDisconnectedField.getInnerClasses()

Methods in jef.disconnection.impl with parameters of type Dna
 void DefaultDisconnectedField.addInnerClass(java.lang.String fqn, Dna innerDna)
 void DefaultMethodDisconnector.extract(MethodInfoStructure methodInfo, Dna srcDna, DisconnectedMethod disconnectedMethod)
          This method copies into the disconnectedMethod instance provided as parameter the given methodInfo object.
protected  void DefaultMethodDisconnector.handleBytecode(CodeAttribute codeAttribute, DisconnectedMethod disconnectedMethod, ConstantPoolTable srcCpt, Dna srcDna)
protected  void DefaultMethodDisconnector.handleFieldOrMethodRef(DisconnectedMethod dm, Dna srcDna, ConstantPoolTable srcCpt, int oldRef, int newRef, Instruction instruction)
protected  void DefaultMethodDisconnector.handleFirstLevelRefs(MethodInfoStructure clonedMethodInfo, boolean isInit, DisconnectedMethod dm, Dna srcDna)
protected  void DefaultMethodDisconnector.handleInnerClassRef(ConstClass cInfo, DisconnectedMethod dm, Dna srcDna)
protected  void DefaultMethodDisconnector.innerExtract(MethodInfoStructure methodInfo, Dna srcDna, DisconnectedMethod disconnectedMethod)
          Protected extraction method.
protected  void DefaultMethodDisconnector.innerExtractInit(MethodInfoStructure methodInfo, Dna srcDna, DisconnectedMethod disconnectedMethod)
protected  FieldInfoStructure DefaultMethodDisconnector.searchField(Dna dna, int nameIndex, int descIndex)
          This method searches over the provided Dna instance for a field having the given nameIndex and descriptorIndex.
protected  MethodInfoStructure DefaultMethodDisconnector.searchMethod(Dna dna, int nameIndex, int descIndex)
          This method searches over the provided Dna instance for a method having the given nameIndex and descriptorIndex.

Uses of Dna in jef.dna

Methods in jef.dna that return Dna
          Method for obtaining the Dna object representing the class file passed to the constructor.
static Dna[] bytecode)

Methods in jef.dna with parameters of type Dna
 void DnaWriter.write(Dna dna)
          Write a valid Dna instance to the formerly specified output file.
static void DnaWriter.write(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String newSimpleName, Dna dna)

Uses of Dna in jef.dna.attributes

Methods in jef.dna.attributes that return Dna
 Dna Attribute.getDna()
          Get the Dna instance which will contain the current Attribute

Methods in jef.dna.attributes with parameters of type Dna
 void Attribute.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int nameIndex, int length)
          This method reads the data with which the attribute has to be initialized.
 Attribute AttribFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna)
          This method returns not populated Attribute instances.
 void Attribute.setDna(Dna dna)
          Set the Dna instance which will contain the current Attribute

Uses of Dna in jef.dna.attributes.impl

Fields in jef.dna.attributes.impl declared as Dna
protected  Dna GenericAttribute.dna

Methods in jef.dna.attributes.impl that return Dna
 Dna GenericAttribute.getDna()
          Get the Dna instance which will contain the current Attribute

Methods in jef.dna.attributes.impl with parameters of type Dna
 void SyntheticAttribute.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int indexName, int length)
 void SourceFileAttribute.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int indexName, int length)
 void SourceDebugExtension.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int nameIndex, int length)
 void LineNumberTableAttribute.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int indexName, int length)
 void LocalVariableTableAttribute.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int indexName, int length)
 void InnerClasses.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int indexName, int length)
 void ExceptionAttr.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int indexName, int length)
 void DeprecatedAttribute.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int indexName, int length)
 void ConstantValue.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int index, int length)
 void EnclosingMethod.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int nameIndex, int length)
 void Code.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int nameIndex, int length)
          This method fills in the current Code instance reading all the required values from the specified input stream.
 void Signature.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int nameIndex, int length)
 Attribute AttributeFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna)
 void GenericAttribute.setDna(Dna dna)
          Set the Dna instance which will contain the current Attribute
 void Code.setDna(Dna dna)

Uses of Dna in jef.dna.attributesTable

Methods in jef.dna.attributesTable that return Dna
 Dna AttributesTable.getDna()
          Get the Dna container

Methods in jef.dna.attributesTable with parameters of type Dna
 void AttributesTable.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int attributesCount)
          Reads the table from the given stream.
 AttributesTable AttributesTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int attributesCount)
          Returns a populated instance of the AttributesTable interface
 void AttributesTable.setDna(Dna dna)
          Set the Dna container

Uses of Dna in jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def

Methods in jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def that return Dna
 Dna ATable.getDna()
          Get the Dna container

Methods in jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def with parameters of type Dna
 void ATable.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int dim)
          Reads the table from the given stream.
 AttributesTable ATableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int ac)
          Returns a populated instance of the AttributesTable interface
 void ATable.setDna(Dna dna)
          Set the Dna container

Uses of Dna in jef.dna.constantInfo

Methods in jef.dna.constantInfo with parameters of type Dna
 ConstantInfo ConstInfoFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna)
          This method returns a velid constantInfo instance iff the provided input stream contains at the current position a legal constantInfo identifier (or tag), followed by all the necessary information as defined by the Java VM Specification chapter 4.

Uses of Dna in jef.dna.constantInfo.impl

Methods in jef.dna.constantInfo.impl with parameters of type Dna
 ConstantInfo ConstantInfoFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna)

Uses of Dna in jef.dna.constantPoolTable

Methods in jef.dna.constantPoolTable that return Dna
 Dna ConstantPoolTable.getDna()
          Get the Dna container

Methods in jef.dna.constantPoolTable with parameters of type Dna
 void ConstantPoolTable.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int cptSize)
          Reads the constant pool table from the given stream.
 ConstantPoolTable ConstantPoolTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int cptSize)
          Returns a populated instance of the ConstantPoolTable interface
 void ConstantPoolTable.setDna(Dna dna)
          Set the Dna container

Uses of Dna in jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl

Methods in jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl that return Dna
 Dna CPTable.getDna()

Methods in jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl with parameters of type Dna
 void CPTable.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int const_pool_count)
 ConstantPoolTable CPTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int cptSize)
          Returns a populated instance of the ConstantPoolTable interface
 void CPTable.setDna(Dna dna)
          Set the Dna container

Uses of Dna in jef.dna.fieldsTable

Methods in jef.dna.fieldsTable that return Dna
 Dna FieldsTable.getDna()
          Get the Dna container

Methods in jef.dna.fieldsTable with parameters of type Dna
 void FieldsTable.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int fieldsCount)
          Reads the table from the given stream.
 FieldsTable FieldsTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int fieldsCount)
          Returns a populated instance of the FieldsTable interface
 void FieldsTable.setDna(Dna dna)
          Set the Dna container

Uses of Dna in jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def

Methods in jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def that return Dna
 Dna FTable.getDna()
          Get the Dna container

Methods in jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def with parameters of type Dna
 void FTable.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int fieldsCount)
          Reads the table from the given stream.
 FieldsTable FTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int fieldsCount)
          Returns a populated instance of the FieldsTable interface
 void FTable.setDna(Dna dna)
          Set the Dna container

Uses of Dna in jef.dna.infoStructures

Methods in jef.dna.infoStructures that return Dna
 Dna InfoStructure.getDna()
          Get a reference to the Dna instance this infoStructure entity belongs to.

Methods in jef.dna.infoStructures with parameters of type Dna
 void InfoStructure.fromStream( dis, Dna dna)
          Initialize the current InfoStructure from the provided stream.
 InfoStructure InfoStructuresFactory.getInstance(int type, dis, Dna dna)
          Returns a new InfoStructure instance according to the type specified as input parameter.
 void InfoStructure.setDna(Dna dnaContainer)
          Set a reference to the Dna instance this infoStructure entity belongs to.

Uses of Dna in jef.dna.infoStructures.impl

Fields in jef.dna.infoStructures.impl declared as Dna
protected  Dna InfoStructureAncestor.dna

Methods in jef.dna.infoStructures.impl that return Dna
 Dna InfoStructureAncestor.getDna()

Methods in jef.dna.infoStructures.impl with parameters of type Dna
abstract  void InfoStructureAncestor.fromStream( dis, Dna dna)
 void MethodInfo.fromStream( dis, Dna dna)
 void FieldInfo.fromStream( dis, Dna dna)
 InfoStructure InfoFactory.getInstance(int type, dis, Dna dna)
 void InfoStructureAncestor.setDna(Dna dna)

Uses of Dna in jef.dna.methodsTable

Methods in jef.dna.methodsTable that return Dna
 Dna MethodsTable.getDna()
          Get the Dna container

Methods in jef.dna.methodsTable with parameters of type Dna
 void MethodsTable.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int methodsCount)
          Reads the table from the given stream.
 MethodsTable MethodsTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int methodsCount)
          Returns a populated instance of the MethodsTable interface
 void MethodsTable.setDna(Dna dna)
          Set the Dna container

Uses of Dna in jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def

Methods in jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def that return Dna
 Dna MTable.getDna()
          Get the Dna container

Methods in jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def with parameters of type Dna
 void MTable.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int dim)
          Reads the table from the given stream.
 MethodsTable MTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int mc)
          Returns a populated instance of the MethodsTable interface
 void MTable.setDna(Dna dna)
          Set the Dna container

Uses of Dna in jef.injection

Methods in jef.injection with parameters of type Dna
 void Injector.inject(Dna dstDna, DisconnectedMethod dm)
          This method injects a disconnected method into a destination DNA.

Uses of Dna in jef.injection.impl

Methods in jef.injection.impl with parameters of type Dna
 void DefaultInjector.inject(Dna dstDna, DisconnectedMethod dm)

Method parameters in jef.injection.impl with type arguments of type Dna
protected  void DefaultInjector.processInnerClasses(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,Dna> innerClasses, java.lang.String newFqn)

Uses of Dna in jef.mixers

Methods in jef.mixers that return Dna
 Dna DnaMixer.mix()
          The mix() method is the entry point for applications willing to mix two Dna instances leveraging on the adopted DnaMixer implementation's logic.

Methods in jef.mixers with parameters of type Dna
 void DnaMixer.setDnas(Dna dnaX, Dna dnaY)
          This method sets the two Dna instances that will be used for generating the new one.

Uses of Dna in jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer

Fields in jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer declared as Dna
protected  Dna DnaSimpleMixer.dnaX
protected  Dna DnaSimpleMixer.dnaY

Methods in jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer that return Dna
 Dna DnaSimpleMixer.mix()
          This method mixes the two Dna instances passed to the contructor and returns a new one exposing a set of methods equals to the union of the ones exposed by both the Dna instances above.

Methods in jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer with parameters of type Dna
protected  int DnaSimpleMixer.findThisClassType(Dna dna, int thisIndex)
          This method returns the index of the constant pool table entry containing the ConstantUTF8 structure representing the type of the class associated with the Dna parameter.
protected  void DnaSimpleMixer.setAccessFlags(Dna dna, Dna dnaX, Dna dnaY)
          This methodo sets the right access flags to the new generated class file.
protected  void DnaSimpleMixer.setConstantPoolTable(Dna newDna, ConstantPoolTable xCPT, ConstantPoolTable yCPT)
          newDna's constant pool table will be the union of xDna's and yDna's constant pool tables.
 void DnaSimpleMixer.setDnas(Dna dnaX, Dna dnaY)
          This method sets the two Dna instances that will be used for generating the new one.
protected  void DnaSimpleMixer.setFields(Dna dna, Dna xDna, Dna yDna, int thisEntry, int fqnEntry)
          The new dna instance will have, as fields, the union of xDna's and yDna's fields.
protected  void DnaSimpleMixer.setMethods(Dna dna, Dna dnaX, Dna dnaY, int thisEntry, int fqnEntry)
          The new dna instance will have, as methods, the union of xDna's and yDna's methods.
protected  void DnaSimpleMixer.setMinorMajorNumber(Dna dna, Dna dnaA, Dna dnaB)
          This method sets the values of the major and minor number for the new Dna instance.
protected  void DnaSimpleMixer.setSuperClass(Dna dna, Dna dnaX)
protected  void DnaSimpleMixer.setThis(Dna dna, Dna dnaX)

Uses of Dna in jef.test

Methods in jef.test that return Dna
 Dna DnaSwapper.swapMethods()

Methods in jef.test with parameters of type Dna
 void DnaSwapper.setDna(Dna dna)

Constructors in jef.test with parameters of type Dna
DnaSwapper(Dna dna)