Uses of Dna in jef.disconnection |
Methods in jef.disconnection that return types with arguments of type Dna | |
java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,Dna> |
Returns the map of inner Dnas indexed by their fully qualified class names. |
Methods in jef.disconnection with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
DisconnectedField.addInnerClass(java.lang.String fqn,
Dna innerDna)
This method adds a new inner Dna to the disconnected data-structure. |
void |
MethodDisconnector.extract(MethodInfoStructure methodInfo,
Dna srcDna,
DisconnectedMethod disconnectedMethod)
This method copies into the disconnectMethod instance provided as parameter
the methodInfo object. |
Uses of Dna in jef.disconnection.impl |
Fields in jef.disconnection.impl with type parameters of type Dna | |
protected java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,Dna> |
Methods in jef.disconnection.impl that return types with arguments of type Dna | |
java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,Dna> |
Methods in jef.disconnection.impl with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
DefaultDisconnectedField.addInnerClass(java.lang.String fqn,
Dna innerDna)
void |
DefaultMethodDisconnector.extract(MethodInfoStructure methodInfo,
Dna srcDna,
DisconnectedMethod disconnectedMethod)
This method copies into the disconnectedMethod instance provided as parameter
the given methodInfo object. |
protected void |
DefaultMethodDisconnector.handleBytecode(CodeAttribute codeAttribute,
DisconnectedMethod disconnectedMethod,
ConstantPoolTable srcCpt,
Dna srcDna)
protected void |
DefaultMethodDisconnector.handleFieldOrMethodRef(DisconnectedMethod dm,
Dna srcDna,
ConstantPoolTable srcCpt,
int oldRef,
int newRef,
Instruction instruction)
protected void |
DefaultMethodDisconnector.handleFirstLevelRefs(MethodInfoStructure clonedMethodInfo,
boolean isInit,
DisconnectedMethod dm,
Dna srcDna)
protected void |
DefaultMethodDisconnector.handleInnerClassRef(ConstClass cInfo,
DisconnectedMethod dm,
Dna srcDna)
protected void |
DefaultMethodDisconnector.innerExtract(MethodInfoStructure methodInfo,
Dna srcDna,
DisconnectedMethod disconnectedMethod)
Protected extraction method. |
protected void |
DefaultMethodDisconnector.innerExtractInit(MethodInfoStructure methodInfo,
Dna srcDna,
DisconnectedMethod disconnectedMethod)
protected FieldInfoStructure |
DefaultMethodDisconnector.searchField(Dna dna,
int nameIndex,
int descIndex)
This method searches over the provided Dna instance for a field having the
given nameIndex and descriptorIndex . |
protected MethodInfoStructure |
DefaultMethodDisconnector.searchMethod(Dna dna,
int nameIndex,
int descIndex)
This method searches over the provided Dna instance for a method having the
given nameIndex and descriptorIndex . |
Uses of Dna in jef.dna |
Methods in jef.dna that return Dna | |
Dna |
Method for obtaining the Dna object representing the class file passed to the
constructor. |
static Dna |
DnaReader.read(byte[] bytecode)
Methods in jef.dna with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
DnaWriter.write(Dna dna)
Write a valid Dna instance to the formerly specified output file. |
static void |
DnaWriter.write(java.lang.String path,
java.lang.String newSimpleName,
Dna dna)
Uses of Dna in jef.dna.attributes |
Methods in jef.dna.attributes that return Dna | |
Dna |
Get the Dna instance which will contain the current Attribute |
Methods in jef.dna.attributes with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
Attribute.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int nameIndex,
int length)
This method reads the data with which the attribute has to be initialized. |
Attribute |
AttribFactory.getInstance(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna)
This method returns not populated Attribute instances. |
void |
Attribute.setDna(Dna dna)
Set the Dna instance which will contain the current Attribute |
Uses of Dna in jef.dna.attributes.impl |
Fields in jef.dna.attributes.impl declared as Dna | |
protected Dna |
Methods in jef.dna.attributes.impl that return Dna | |
Dna |
Get the Dna instance which will contain the current Attribute |
Methods in jef.dna.attributes.impl with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
SyntheticAttribute.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int indexName,
int length)
void |
SourceFileAttribute.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int indexName,
int length)
void |
SourceDebugExtension.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int nameIndex,
int length)
void |
LineNumberTableAttribute.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int indexName,
int length)
void |
LocalVariableTableAttribute.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int indexName,
int length)
void |
InnerClasses.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int indexName,
int length)
void |
ExceptionAttr.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int indexName,
int length)
void |
DeprecatedAttribute.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int indexName,
int length)
void |
ConstantValue.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int index,
int length)
void |
EnclosingMethod.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int nameIndex,
int length)
void |
Code.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int nameIndex,
int length)
This method fills in the current Code instance reading all the required values
from the specified input stream. |
void |
Signature.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int nameIndex,
int length)
Attribute |
AttributeFactory.getInstance(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna)
void |
GenericAttribute.setDna(Dna dna)
Set the Dna instance which will contain the current Attribute |
void |
Code.setDna(Dna dna)
Uses of Dna in jef.dna.attributesTable |
Methods in jef.dna.attributesTable that return Dna | |
Dna |
Get the Dna container |
Methods in jef.dna.attributesTable with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
AttributesTable.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int attributesCount)
Reads the table from the given stream. |
AttributesTable |
AttributesTableFactory.getInstance(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int attributesCount)
Returns a populated instance of the AttributesTable interface |
void |
AttributesTable.setDna(Dna dna)
Set the Dna container |
Uses of Dna in jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def |
Methods in jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def that return Dna | |
Dna |
Get the Dna container |
Methods in jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
ATable.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int dim)
Reads the table from the given stream. |
AttributesTable |
ATableFactory.getInstance(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int ac)
Returns a populated instance of the AttributesTable interface |
void |
ATable.setDna(Dna dna)
Set the Dna container |
Uses of Dna in jef.dna.constantInfo |
Methods in jef.dna.constantInfo with parameters of type Dna | |
ConstantInfo |
ConstInfoFactory.getInstance(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna)
This method returns a velid constantInfo instance iff the provided input
stream contains at the current position a legal constantInfo identifier (or
tag), followed by all the necessary information as defined by the Java VM Specification
chapter 4. |
Uses of Dna in jef.dna.constantInfo.impl |
Methods in jef.dna.constantInfo.impl with parameters of type Dna | |
ConstantInfo |
ConstantInfoFactory.getInstance(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna)
Uses of Dna in jef.dna.constantPoolTable |
Methods in jef.dna.constantPoolTable that return Dna | |
Dna |
Get the Dna container |
Methods in jef.dna.constantPoolTable with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
ConstantPoolTable.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int cptSize)
Reads the constant pool table from the given stream. |
ConstantPoolTable |
ConstantPoolTableFactory.getInstance(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int cptSize)
Returns a populated instance of the ConstantPoolTable interface |
void |
ConstantPoolTable.setDna(Dna dna)
Set the Dna container |
Uses of Dna in jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl |
Methods in jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl that return Dna | |
Dna |
Methods in jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
CPTable.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int const_pool_count)
ConstantPoolTable |
CPTableFactory.getInstance(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int cptSize)
Returns a populated instance of the ConstantPoolTable interface |
void |
CPTable.setDna(Dna dna)
Set the Dna container |
Uses of Dna in jef.dna.fieldsTable |
Methods in jef.dna.fieldsTable that return Dna | |
Dna |
Get the Dna container |
Methods in jef.dna.fieldsTable with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
FieldsTable.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int fieldsCount)
Reads the table from the given stream. |
FieldsTable |
FieldsTableFactory.getInstance(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int fieldsCount)
Returns a populated instance of the FieldsTable interface |
void |
FieldsTable.setDna(Dna dna)
Set the Dna container |
Uses of Dna in jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def |
Methods in jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def that return Dna | |
Dna |
Get the Dna container |
Methods in jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
FTable.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int fieldsCount)
Reads the table from the given stream. |
FieldsTable |
FTableFactory.getInstance(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int fieldsCount)
Returns a populated instance of the FieldsTable interface |
void |
FTable.setDna(Dna dna)
Set the Dna container |
Uses of Dna in jef.dna.infoStructures |
Methods in jef.dna.infoStructures that return Dna | |
Dna |
Get a reference to the Dna instance this infoStructure entity
belongs to. |
Methods in jef.dna.infoStructures with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
InfoStructure.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna)
Initialize the current InfoStructure from the provided stream. |
InfoStructure |
InfoStructuresFactory.getInstance(int type,
java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna)
Returns a new InfoStructure instance according to the type specified as input
parameter. |
void |
InfoStructure.setDna(Dna dnaContainer)
Set a reference to the Dna instance this infoStructure entity
belongs to. |
Uses of Dna in jef.dna.infoStructures.impl |
Fields in jef.dna.infoStructures.impl declared as Dna | |
protected Dna |
Methods in jef.dna.infoStructures.impl that return Dna | |
Dna |
Methods in jef.dna.infoStructures.impl with parameters of type Dna | |
abstract void |
InfoStructureAncestor.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna)
void |
MethodInfo.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna)
void |
FieldInfo.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna)
InfoStructure |
InfoFactory.getInstance(int type,
java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna)
void |
InfoStructureAncestor.setDna(Dna dna)
Uses of Dna in jef.dna.methodsTable |
Methods in jef.dna.methodsTable that return Dna | |
Dna |
Get the Dna container |
Methods in jef.dna.methodsTable with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
MethodsTable.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int methodsCount)
Reads the table from the given stream. |
MethodsTable |
MethodsTableFactory.getInstance(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int methodsCount)
Returns a populated instance of the MethodsTable interface |
void |
MethodsTable.setDna(Dna dna)
Set the Dna container |
Uses of Dna in jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def |
Methods in jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def that return Dna | |
Dna |
Get the Dna container |
Methods in jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
MTable.fromStream(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int dim)
Reads the table from the given stream. |
MethodsTable |
MTableFactory.getInstance(java.io.DataInputStream dis,
Dna dna,
int mc)
Returns a populated instance of the MethodsTable interface |
void |
MTable.setDna(Dna dna)
Set the Dna container |
Uses of Dna in jef.injection |
Methods in jef.injection with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
Injector.inject(Dna dstDna,
DisconnectedMethod dm)
This method injects a disconnected method into a destination DNA. |
Uses of Dna in jef.injection.impl |
Methods in jef.injection.impl with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
DefaultInjector.inject(Dna dstDna,
DisconnectedMethod dm)
Method parameters in jef.injection.impl with type arguments of type Dna | |
protected void |
DefaultInjector.processInnerClasses(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,Dna> innerClasses,
java.lang.String newFqn)
Uses of Dna in jef.mixers |
Methods in jef.mixers that return Dna | |
Dna |
The mix() method is the entry point for applications willing to mix two
Dna instances leveraging on the adopted DnaMixer
implementation's logic. |
Methods in jef.mixers with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
DnaMixer.setDnas(Dna dnaX,
Dna dnaY)
This method sets the two Dna instances that will be used for generating the
new one. |
Uses of Dna in jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer |
Fields in jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer declared as Dna | |
protected Dna |
protected Dna |
Methods in jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer that return Dna | |
Dna |
This method mixes the two Dna instances passed to the contructor and returns a
new one exposing a set of methods equals to the union of the ones exposed by both the
Dna instances above. |
Methods in jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer with parameters of type Dna | |
protected int |
DnaSimpleMixer.findThisClassType(Dna dna,
int thisIndex)
This method returns the index of the constant pool table entry containing the ConstantUTF8 structure representing the type of the class associated with the Dna
parameter. |
protected void |
DnaSimpleMixer.setAccessFlags(Dna dna,
Dna dnaX,
Dna dnaY)
This methodo sets the right access flags to the new generated class file. |
protected void |
DnaSimpleMixer.setConstantPoolTable(Dna newDna,
ConstantPoolTable xCPT,
ConstantPoolTable yCPT)
newDna's constant pool table will be the union of xDna's and yDna's constant pool tables. |
void |
DnaSimpleMixer.setDnas(Dna dnaX,
Dna dnaY)
This method sets the two Dna instances that will be used for generating the
new one. |
protected void |
DnaSimpleMixer.setFields(Dna dna,
Dna xDna,
Dna yDna,
int thisEntry,
int fqnEntry)
The new dna instance will have, as fields, the union of xDna's and yDna's fields. |
protected void |
DnaSimpleMixer.setMethods(Dna dna,
Dna dnaX,
Dna dnaY,
int thisEntry,
int fqnEntry)
The new dna instance will have, as methods, the union of xDna's and yDna's methods. |
protected void |
DnaSimpleMixer.setMinorMajorNumber(Dna dna,
Dna dnaA,
Dna dnaB)
This method sets the values of the major and minor number for the new Dna
instance. |
protected void |
DnaSimpleMixer.setSuperClass(Dna dna,
Dna dnaX)
protected void |
DnaSimpleMixer.setThis(Dna dna,
Dna dnaX)
Uses of Dna in jef.test |
Methods in jef.test that return Dna | |
Dna |
Methods in jef.test with parameters of type Dna | |
void |
DnaSwapper.setDna(Dna dna)
Constructors in jef.test with parameters of type Dna | |
DnaSwapper(Dna dna)