Uses of Interface

Packages that use ConstantPoolTable

Uses of ConstantPoolTable in jef.deepCopier

Methods in jef.deepCopier that return ConstantPoolTable
 ConstantPoolTable DeepCopier.getDstCpt()
          Gets the destination ConstantPoolTable instance, that is the ConstantPoolTable the cp_info-chain should be copied to.
 ConstantPoolTable DeepCopier.getSrcCpt()
          Gets the source ConstantPoolTable instance, that is the ConstantPoolTable containing the cp_info to be copied to the destination ConstantPoolTable instance.

Methods in jef.deepCopier with parameters of type ConstantPoolTable
 void DeepCopier.setDstCpt(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
          Sets the destination ConstantPoolTable instance, that is the ConstantPoolTable the cp_info-chain should be copied to.
 void DeepCopier.setSrcCpt(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
          Sets the source ConstantPoolTable instance, that is the ConstantPoolTable containing the cp_info to be copied to the destination ConstantPoolTable instance.

Uses of ConstantPoolTable in jef.deepCopier.impl

Methods in jef.deepCopier.impl that return ConstantPoolTable
 ConstantPoolTable StatefulDeepCopier.getDstCpt()
          Gets the destination ConstantPoolTable instance, that is the ConstantPoolTable the cp_info-chain should be copied to.
 ConstantPoolTable StatefulDeepCopier.getSrcCpt()
          Gets the source ConstantPoolTable instance, that is the ConstantPoolTable containing the cp_info to be copied to the destination ConstantPoolTable instance.

Methods in jef.deepCopier.impl with parameters of type ConstantPoolTable
 void StatefulDeepCopier.setDstCpt(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
          Sets the destination ConstantPoolTable instance, that is the ConstantPoolTable the cp_info-chain should be copied to.
 void StatefulDeepCopier.setSrcCpt(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
          Sets the source ConstantPoolTable instance, that is the ConstantPoolTable containing the cp_info to be copied to the destination ConstantPoolTable instance.

Uses of ConstantPoolTable in jef.disconnection

Methods in jef.disconnection that return ConstantPoolTable
 ConstantPoolTable DisconnectedField.getConstantPoolTable()
          Gets the ConstantPoolTable instance containing all the cp_infos required by both the fields stored in the current DisconnectedField instance.

Methods in jef.disconnection with parameters of type ConstantPoolTable
 void DisconnectedField.setConstantPoolTable(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
          Sets the ConstantPoolTable instance containing all the cp_infos required by both the fields stored in the current DisconnectedField instance.

Uses of ConstantPoolTable in jef.disconnection.impl

Fields in jef.disconnection.impl declared as ConstantPoolTable
protected  ConstantPoolTable DefaultDisconnectedField.constantPoolTable

Methods in jef.disconnection.impl that return ConstantPoolTable
 ConstantPoolTable DefaultDisconnectedField.getConstantPoolTable()
          Gets the ConstantPoolTable instance containing all the cp_infos required by both the fields and methods stored in the current DisconnectedMethod instance.

Methods in jef.disconnection.impl with parameters of type ConstantPoolTable
protected  void DefaultMethodDisconnector.handleBytecode(CodeAttribute codeAttribute, DisconnectedMethod disconnectedMethod, ConstantPoolTable srcCpt, Dna srcDna)
protected  void DefaultMethodDisconnector.handleFieldOrMethodRef(DisconnectedMethod dm, Dna srcDna, ConstantPoolTable srcCpt, int oldRef, int newRef, Instruction instruction)
 void DefaultDisconnectedField.setConstantPoolTable(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
          Sets the ConstantPoolTable instance containing all the cp_infos required by both the fields and methods stored in the current DisconnectedMethod instance.

Uses of ConstantPoolTable in jef.dna

Methods in jef.dna that return ConstantPoolTable
 ConstantPoolTable Dna.getConstantPoolTable()
          Returns the Constant Pool Table.

Methods in jef.dna with parameters of type ConstantPoolTable
 void Dna.setConstantPoolTable(ConstantPoolTable table)
          Sets the Constant Pool Table in the current Dna instance.

Uses of ConstantPoolTable in jef.dna.attributes.impl

Methods in jef.dna.attributes.impl with parameters of type ConstantPoolTable
protected  void SourceFileAttribute.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void LineNumberTableAttribute.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void LocalVariableTableAttribute.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void InnerClasses.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void GenericAttribute.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ExceptionAttr.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ConstantValue.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void EnclosingMethod.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void Code.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
          This method guarantees the validation process' workflow is executed correctly.
protected  void GenericAttribute.validateNameIndex(ConstantPoolTable cpt)

Uses of ConstantPoolTable in jef.dna.constantInfo

Methods in jef.dna.constantInfo that return ConstantPoolTable
 ConstantPoolTable ConstantInfo.getCpt()
          Get a reference to the ConstantPoolTable instance this constantInfo entity belongs to.

Methods in jef.dna.constantInfo with parameters of type ConstantPoolTable
 void ConstantInfo.setCpt(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
          Set a reference to the ConstantPoolTable instance this constantInfo entity belongs to.

Uses of ConstantPoolTable in jef.dna.constantInfo.impl

Fields in jef.dna.constantInfo.impl declared as ConstantPoolTable
protected  ConstantPoolTable ConstantAncestor.cpt

Methods in jef.dna.constantInfo.impl that return ConstantPoolTable
 ConstantPoolTable ConstantAncestor.getCpt()
          Get a reference to the ConstantPoolTable instance this constantInfo entity belongs to.

Methods in jef.dna.constantInfo.impl with parameters of type ConstantPoolTable
protected  void UnusableCPTEntry.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ConstantUtf8.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ConstantString.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ConstantMethod.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ConstantInterfaceMethod.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ConstantLong.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ConstantInteger.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ConstantNameAndType.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ConstantFloat.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ConstantField.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ConstantDouble.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ConstantClass.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected abstract  void ConstantAncestor.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
 void ConstantAncestor.setCpt(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
          Set a reference to the ConstantPoolTable instance this constantInfo entity belongs to.
protected  void ConstantMethod.validateClassIndex(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ConstantField.validateClassIndex(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ConstantMethod.validateNameAndTypeIndex(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ConstantField.validateNameAndTypeIndex(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ConstantString.validateStringIndex(ConstantPoolTable cpt)

Uses of ConstantPoolTable in jef.dna.constantPoolTable

Methods in jef.dna.constantPoolTable that return ConstantPoolTable
 ConstantPoolTable ConstantPoolTableFactory.getInstance()
          Returns an empty instance of the ConstantPoolTable interface
 ConstantPoolTable ConstantPoolTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int cptSize)
          Returns a populated instance of the ConstantPoolTable interface

Methods in jef.dna.constantPoolTable with parameters of type ConstantPoolTable
 void ConstantPoolTable.addAll(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
          Appends the given ConstantPoolTable to the current one.

Uses of ConstantPoolTable in jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl

Classes in jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl that implement ConstantPoolTable
 class CPTable
          Default implementation for the ConstantPoolTable interface

Methods in jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl that return ConstantPoolTable
 ConstantPoolTable CPTableFactory.getInstance()
          Returns an empty instance of the ConstantPoolTable interface
 ConstantPoolTable CPTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int cptSize)
          Returns a populated instance of the ConstantPoolTable interface

Methods in jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl with parameters of type ConstantPoolTable
 void CPTable.addAll(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
          Appends the given ConstantPoolTable to the current one.

Uses of ConstantPoolTable in jef.dna.infoStructures.impl

Methods in jef.dna.infoStructures.impl with parameters of type ConstantPoolTable
protected abstract  void InfoStructureAncestor.validateAccessFlags(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void MethodInfo.validateAccessFlags(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void FieldInfo.validateAccessFlags(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void InfoStructureAncestor.validateAttributeCount(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void InfoStructureAncestor.validateAttributes(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void InfoStructureAncestor.validateDescriptorIndex(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void InfoStructureAncestor.validateNameIndex(ConstantPoolTable cpt)

Uses of ConstantPoolTable in jef.injection.impl

Methods in jef.injection.impl with parameters of type ConstantPoolTable
protected  void DefaultInjector.updateConstantClassInfoRefs(ConstantPoolTable cpt, java.lang.String fqClassName, java.lang.String newFqn)
          This method reorganizes the given constant pool table in a way that all the Constant Class Info structures pointing to a Constant UTF8 entry having a value equal to fqClassName, will point to the constant pool table entry specified by the third input parameter newFqnIndx.

Uses of ConstantPoolTable in jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer

Methods in jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer that return ConstantPoolTable
protected  ConstantPoolTable DnaSimpleMixer.reorganizeIndexes(ConstantPoolTable cpt, int offset)
          This method reorganizes all the references within a constant pool table in a way that all of them get shifted by the given offset.

Methods in jef.mixers.impl.simpleMixer with parameters of type ConstantPoolTable
protected  int DnaSimpleMixer.findThisReference(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  ConstantPoolTable DnaSimpleMixer.reorganizeIndexes(ConstantPoolTable cpt, int offset)
          This method reorganizes all the references within a constant pool table in a way that all of them get shifted by the given offset.
protected  void DnaSimpleMixer.setConstantPoolTable(Dna newDna, ConstantPoolTable xCPT, ConstantPoolTable yCPT)
          newDna's constant pool table will be the union of xDna's and yDna's constant pool tables.
protected  void DnaSimpleMixer.updateConstantClassInfoRefs(ConstantPoolTable cpt, java.lang.String fqClassName, int newFqnIndx)
          This method reorganizes the given constant pool table in a way that all the Constant Class Info structures pointing to a Constant UTF8 entry having a value equal to , will point to the constant pool table entry specified by the third input parameter newFqnIndx.