Uses of Class

Packages that use IndexOutOfRangeException

Uses of IndexOutOfRangeException in jef.dna.constantPoolTable

Methods in jef.dna.constantPoolTable that throw IndexOutOfRangeException
 boolean ConstantPoolTable.isConstantClass(int index)
          This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_Class_info or not.
 boolean ConstantPoolTable.isConstantDouble(int index)
          This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_Double_info or not.
 boolean ConstantPoolTable.isConstantFieldRef(int index)
          This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_Field_info or not.
 boolean ConstantPoolTable.isConstantFloat(int index)
          This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_Float_info or not.
 boolean ConstantPoolTable.isConstantInteger(int index)
          This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_Integer_info or not.
 boolean ConstantPoolTable.isConstantInterfaceMethodRef(int index)
          This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info or not.
 boolean ConstantPoolTable.isConstantLong(int index)
          This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_Long_info or not.
 boolean ConstantPoolTable.isConstantMethodRef(int index)
          This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_Method_info or not.
 boolean ConstantPoolTable.isConstantNameAndType(int index)
          This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_NameAndType_info or not.
 boolean ConstantPoolTable.isConstantString(int index)
          This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_String_info or not.
 boolean ConstantPoolTable.isConstantUTF8(int index)
          This method states whether the given index refers to a CONSTANT_Utf8_info or not.

Uses of IndexOutOfRangeException in jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl

Methods in jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl that throw IndexOutOfRangeException
 boolean CPTable.isConstantClass(int index)
 boolean CPTable.isConstantDouble(int index)
 boolean CPTable.isConstantFieldRef(int index)
 boolean CPTable.isConstantFloat(int index)
 boolean CPTable.isConstantInteger(int index)
 boolean CPTable.isConstantInterfaceMethodRef(int index)
 boolean CPTable.isConstantLong(int index)
 boolean CPTable.isConstantMethodRef(int index)
 boolean CPTable.isConstantNameAndType(int index)
 boolean CPTable.isConstantString(int index)
 boolean CPTable.isConstantUTF8(int index)

Uses of IndexOutOfRangeException in jef.dna.exceptions

Fields in jef.dna.exceptions declared as IndexOutOfRangeException
protected  IndexOutOfRangeException ValidationExceptionAncestor.innerIore

Methods in jef.dna.exceptions that return IndexOutOfRangeException
 IndexOutOfRangeException ValidationExceptionAncestor.getInnerIndexOutOfRangeException()
          This method should be useful to XxxOutOfRangeException subclasses.

Methods in jef.dna.exceptions with parameters of type IndexOutOfRangeException
 void ValidationExceptionAncestor.setInnerIndexOutOfRangeException(IndexOutOfRangeException e)
          This method should be useful to XxxOutOfRangeException subclasses.