Uses of Class

Packages that use UnknownOpCodeException

Uses of UnknownOpCodeException in jef.dna.attributes

Methods in jef.dna.attributes that throw UnknownOpCodeException
 void CodeAttribute.validateRefIntoCode(int ref)
          Test whether the ref index refers to a valid opcode within the code array or not.

Uses of UnknownOpCodeException in jef.dna.attributes.exceptions

Methods in jef.dna.attributes.exceptions that return UnknownOpCodeException
 UnknownOpCodeException ExceptionTableEntryValidationException.getInnerUnknownOpCodeException()
          Get the UnknownOpCodeException that caused the current exception to be raised.
 UnknownOpCodeException LocalVariableTableEntryValidationException.getInnerUnknownOpCodeException()
          Get the UnknownOpCodeException that caused the current exception to be raised.

Methods in jef.dna.attributes.exceptions with parameters of type UnknownOpCodeException
 void ExceptionTableEntryValidationException.setInnerUnknownOpCodeException(UnknownOpCodeException e)
          Set the UnknownOpCodeException that caused the current exception to be raised.
 void LocalVariableTableEntryValidationException.setInnerUnknownOpCodeException(UnknownOpCodeException e)
          Set the UnknownOpCodeException that caused the current exception to be raised.

Uses of UnknownOpCodeException in jef.dna.attributes.impl

Methods in jef.dna.attributes.impl that throw UnknownOpCodeException
 void Code.validateRefIntoCode(int ref)
          This method verifies that the given reference is a valid reference to one of the bytecode instructions contained within this Code attribute.

Uses of UnknownOpCodeException in jef.dna.instructions

Methods in jef.dna.instructions that throw UnknownOpCodeException
 Instruction InstructionFactory.getInstruction(byte opCode)
          This method returns class instances implementing the Instruction interface.
 Instruction InstructionFactory.getInstruction(int opCode)
          This method returns classe instances implementing the Instruction interface.

Uses of UnknownOpCodeException in jef.dna.instructions.impl

Methods in jef.dna.instructions.impl that throw UnknownOpCodeException
 Instruction InstructionFactory.getInstruction(byte opCode)
          This method returns class instances implementing the Instruction interface.
 Instruction InstructionFactory.getInstruction(int opCode)
          This method returns classe instances implementing the Instruction interface.