Uses of Class

Packages that use MissingDnaContainerException

Uses of MissingDnaContainerException in jef.dna

Methods in jef.dna that throw MissingDnaContainerException
 void Dna.fromStream( dis)
          Reads a Java class file from the specified stream, and fills in the current Dna instance.
          Method for obtaining the Dna object representing the class file passed to the constructor.
static Dna[] bytecode)
 void Dna.toStream( dos)
          This method writes the Dna instance's content to the specified DataOutputStream
 void DnaWriter.write(Dna dna)
          Write a valid Dna instance to the formerly specified output file.
static void DnaWriter.write(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String newSimpleName, Dna dna)

Uses of MissingDnaContainerException in jef.dna.attributes

Methods in jef.dna.attributes that throw MissingDnaContainerException
 void Attribute.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int nameIndex, int length)
          This method reads the data with which the attribute has to be initialized.
 void LocalVariableTableEntry.validate()
          Perform validation over the current LocalVariableTableEntry
 void InnerClassesTableEntry.validate()
          Perform validation over the InnerClassesTableEntry
 boolean ExceptionTableEntry.validate()
          This method has to perform a validation process over the ExceptionTableEntry according to what specified by the JVM Official Specification.
 boolean Attribute.validate()
          This method has to perform a validation process over the Attribute according to what specified by the JVM Official Specification.
 void CodeAttribute.validateRefIntoCode(int ref)
          Test whether the ref index refers to a valid opcode within the code array or not.

Uses of MissingDnaContainerException in jef.dna.attributes.impl

Methods in jef.dna.attributes.impl that throw MissingDnaContainerException
 void SyntheticAttribute.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int indexName, int length)
 void SourceFileAttribute.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int indexName, int length)
 void SourceDebugExtension.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int nameIndex, int length)
 void LineNumberTableAttribute.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int indexName, int length)
 void LocalVariableTableAttribute.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int indexName, int length)
 void InnerClasses.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int indexName, int length)
 void ExceptionAttr.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int indexName, int length)
 void DeprecatedAttribute.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int indexName, int length)
 void ConstantValue.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int index, int length)
 void EnclosingMethod.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int nameIndex, int length)
 void Code.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int nameIndex, int length)
          This method fills in the current Code instance reading all the required values from the specified input stream.
 void Signature.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int nameIndex, int length)
protected  void SourceFileAttribute.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void LineNumberTableAttribute.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void LocalVariableTableAttribute.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void InnerClasses.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void GenericAttribute.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ExceptionAttr.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void ConstantValue.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void EnclosingMethod.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
protected  void Code.innerValidations(ConstantPoolTable cpt)
          This method guarantees the validation process' workflow is executed correctly.
 void LocalVariableTableEntry.validate()
 boolean GenericAttribute.validate()
          This method has to perform a validation process over the Attribute according to what specified by the JVM Official Specification.
 boolean ExceptionTableEntry.validate()
 void InnerClassesTableEntry.validate()
protected  void LocalVariableTableEntry.validateDescriptorIndex()
protected  void LocalVariableTableEntry.validateLength()
protected  void LocalVariableTableEntry.validateNameIndex()
 void Code.validateRefIntoCode(int ref)
          This method verifies that the given reference is a valid reference to one of the bytecode instructions contained within this Code attribute.
protected  void LocalVariableTableEntry.validateStartPc()

Uses of MissingDnaContainerException in jef.dna.attributesTable

Methods in jef.dna.attributesTable that throw MissingDnaContainerException
 void AttributesTable.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int attributesCount)
          Reads the table from the given stream.
 AttributesTable AttributesTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int attributesCount)
          Returns a populated instance of the AttributesTable interface
 void AttributesTable.validate()
          Validates all the AttributesTable entries.

Uses of MissingDnaContainerException in jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def

Methods in jef.dna.attributesTable.impl.def that throw MissingDnaContainerException
 void ATable.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int dim)
          Reads the table from the given stream.
 AttributesTable ATableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int ac)
          Returns a populated instance of the AttributesTable interface
 void ATable.validate()

Uses of MissingDnaContainerException in jef.dna.constantInfo

Methods in jef.dna.constantInfo that throw MissingDnaContainerException
 boolean ConstantInfo.validate()
          This method has to perform a validation process over the ConstantInfo according to what specified by the JVM Official Specification.

Uses of MissingDnaContainerException in jef.dna.constantInfo.impl

Methods in jef.dna.constantInfo.impl that throw MissingDnaContainerException
 boolean ConstantAncestor.validate()
          This method has to perform a validation process over the ConstantInfo according to what specified by the JVM Official Specification.

Uses of MissingDnaContainerException in jef.dna.constantPoolTable

Methods in jef.dna.constantPoolTable that throw MissingDnaContainerException
 void ConstantPoolTable.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int cptSize)
          Reads the constant pool table from the given stream.
 ConstantPoolTable ConstantPoolTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int cptSize)
          Returns a populated instance of the ConstantPoolTable interface
 void ConstantPoolTable.toStream( dos)
          Writes the constant pool table to the given output stream.
 void ConstantPoolTable.validate()
          This method validates the current Constant Pool Table along with its entries.

Uses of MissingDnaContainerException in jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl

Methods in jef.dna.constantPoolTable.impl that throw MissingDnaContainerException
 void CPTable.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int const_pool_count)
 ConstantPoolTable CPTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int cptSize)
          Returns a populated instance of the ConstantPoolTable interface
 void CPTable.toStream( dos)
 void CPTable.validate()

Uses of MissingDnaContainerException in jef.dna.fieldsTable

Methods in jef.dna.fieldsTable that throw MissingDnaContainerException
 void FieldsTable.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int fieldsCount)
          Reads the table from the given stream.
 FieldsTable FieldsTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int fieldsCount)
          Returns a populated instance of the FieldsTable interface
 void FieldsTable.validate()
          This method performs the validation over all the FieldsTable entries.

Uses of MissingDnaContainerException in jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def

Methods in jef.dna.fieldsTable.impl.def that throw MissingDnaContainerException
 void FTable.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int fieldsCount)
          Reads the table from the given stream.
 FieldsTable FTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int fieldsCount)
          Returns a populated instance of the FieldsTable interface
 void FTable.validate()

Uses of MissingDnaContainerException in jef.dna.infoStructures

Methods in jef.dna.infoStructures that throw MissingDnaContainerException
 void InfoStructure.fromStream( dis, Dna dna)
          Initialize the current InfoStructure from the provided stream.
 boolean InfoStructure.validate()
          This method has to perform a validation process over the FieldInfo according to what specified by the JVM Official Specification.

Uses of MissingDnaContainerException in jef.dna.infoStructures.impl

Methods in jef.dna.infoStructures.impl that throw MissingDnaContainerException
abstract  void InfoStructureAncestor.fromStream( dis, Dna dna)
 void MethodInfo.fromStream( dis, Dna dna)
 void FieldInfo.fromStream( dis, Dna dna)
 boolean InfoStructureAncestor.validate()
          This method has to perform a validation process over the FieldInfo according to what specified by the JVM Official Specification.
protected  void InfoStructureAncestor.validateAttributes(ConstantPoolTable cpt)

Uses of MissingDnaContainerException in jef.dna.methodsTable

Methods in jef.dna.methodsTable that throw MissingDnaContainerException
 void MethodsTable.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int methodsCount)
          Reads the table from the given stream.
 MethodsTable MethodsTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int methodsCount)
          Returns a populated instance of the MethodsTable interface
 void MethodsTable.validate()
          Perform the validation process over each MethodsTable entry.

Uses of MissingDnaContainerException in jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def

Methods in jef.dna.methodsTable.impl.def that throw MissingDnaContainerException
 void MTable.fromStream( dis, Dna dna, int dim)
          Reads the table from the given stream.
 MethodsTable MTableFactory.getInstance( dis, Dna dna, int mc)
          Returns a populated instance of the MethodsTable interface
 void MTable.validate()

Uses of MissingDnaContainerException in jef.injection.impl

Methods in jef.injection.impl that throw MissingDnaContainerException
protected  void DefaultInjector.processInnerClasses(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,Dna> innerClasses, java.lang.String newFqn)

Uses of MissingDnaContainerException in jef.test

Methods in jef.test that throw MissingDnaContainerException
static void DnaTest.main(java.lang.String[] args)
static void DnaSwapTest.main(java.lang.String[] args)
static void DnaMixTest.main(java.lang.String[] args)
static void DeepCopyTest.main(java.lang.String[] args)